Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Program Mrqmin Fortran
is good to know when they receive large contributions from the National Fund for Regional Development if harnessed well, however this year were disregarded an undetermined amount of money, typical of a wealthy community, projects intended for low mounted by the fact that micro best investments that produce a lot of noise about nothing but as a whole and silver content and damn tired mean missing people do not miss out hereinafter can be used to solve problems of micro entrepreneurs or municipality absorbing labor now vacant. Same again draws attention to the contribution to the Distribution of 2011 appears in an amount no improvement detailed in squares and green areas. Concerned envelope so that very likely when addressing the issue of green areas have included planting trees and continuous reruns on the streets of which if we check the files back, we realize that this has become a perennial habit because in 100 small rod of ten to 20 mm in diameter and planted each year in the first week away 90, because these very vulnerable to the actions of the miscreants. When a planting seedlings and mature consciousness exceeding 70 mm in diameter would save a large percentage of these trees to avoid wasting a millionaire in this area, while sheltering in the resources of the strong taxpayers.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Milena Velba Boobs Fur Coat Red
bet on the development of their locations will depend more Atlantic Pacific:
Argentine governors facing Chile
are 14 provinces trasandinos participating in the Integration Committee, looking to partner with Chile. Its main objective is to achieve an outlet to the Pacific to establish trade with Asia. But companies also be generated to repair and expand the border crossings and encourage mining and energy exchanges. The governors of Salta, Neuquen and San Juan detail their plans.
Bakit Matthias R.
When the September 30, the Argentine government decided not to extradite Apablaza Galvarino, La Moneda suspended all joint activities had with Argentina. All except one: the meeting of the Integration Committee Lakes, which seeks to generate meeting Chile's Bio Bio region, Los Lagos, Los Ríos and La Araucanía, with the Argentine provinces of Neuquen and Rio Black.
The meeting, which could not be suspended by the large number of private participants, was, in principle, tense. Spirits were restless on the Chilean side and many regional ombudsmen viewed with resentment to their Argentine counterparts. You could not see how that meeting could bear fruit.
"However, all ended well," says the director of the Permanent Executive Council hosted the meeting, the mayor of Los Ríos, Juan Andres Varas. "All participants agreed that integration issues are such that a preponderance quarrels should be forgotten," he adds.
same time, there are seven committees along the border, encompassing 14 Argentine provinces are looking to Chile, seeking to achieve development opportunities, because of centralization, many feel that they have been denied. The key? Access to Pacific ports to export their products. But instead, seek advance arrangements at border crossings, to promote tourism in Chile and provide energy and fuel. These provinces are
Jujuy, Salta, Tucumán, Catamarca, La Rioja, Santiago del Estero, Córdoba, San Juan, Mendoza, Neuquén, Black River, Chubut, Santa Cruz and Tierra del Fuego. Social transformation
"Peron said the relationship between Chile and Argentina does not add up, but multiplies," said Chile's ambassador to Argentina, Adolfo Zaldivar, who has been a priority to promote the progress of the Regional Integration Committee, seven groups created in 1984 after the Treaty of Peace between both countries (see graphic) and have aimed at encouraging cooperation along the border boundary issues, social, cultural and provincial. "In my time as ambassador I've been working more in the regions in Buenos Aires," says Zaldivar.
Although these committees and has 26 years, almost 70% of floor plans or agreements that were achieved did not come to be considered by the respective governments. Today, however, the issue is seen as crucial by both governments and therefore are creating executive committees in each region who have the task of keeping track of the initiatives and ensure that they are considered by the foreign ministries.
As the mayor has Varas, these committees operate by forming various committees. "There are border facilitation, transport, trade, tourism, environment, social affairs, education, etc. What is said there is then sent by way of proposal to the ministry." Today we meet once a year, but maintain constant communication.
"The new axis of world trade is the Pacific. This will attract a flow to Chile that will have to have more ports enabled and ready. Chile, in this case, is the key, and so takes on enormous importance to provinces such as Mendoza and San Juan ", said Ambassador Zaldívar.
But his plan is much broader: "It's going to get a large influx of people, either for trade or tourism. This will give a great, middle class and Chile will be strengthened. We must fix all small hotels and pensions and when that is done, everything will be different. For example, young people receive better pay, "he said.
Salta: Energy for Chile
The governor of Salta, Juan Manuel Urtubey, says her goal is to achieve social and cultural integration with the cities of northern Chile, Antofagasta specifically. "We want our children to have links with children in northern Chile brothers," he explains. "Our countries must move in a common area that goes far beyond bilateral treaties. Today is all given to it. The key is to rush the relationship between equals. "
For him, trade with Chile should be much more specific than that stipulated by treaties and they are already making arrangements for their province-wide power generation, can fill the Chilean demand. So you want to do with food production is the area. There is also concern that these products can go to Asia and in this context and there are loads of sugar and snuff shipped by Antofagasta and Mejillones.
To achieve this , yes, the governor is working on a project to have direct air connectivity between Salta and Antofagasta. "They're only 45 minutes flight and bring a great benefit to the provinces."
San Juan: bi-oceanic corridor
"At last our two countries, which share one of the longest borders in the world are realizing that joining means cooperate, complement and not compete in absurd things," says the governor of San Juan and Peronist leader, José Luis Gioia, who hopes to achieve an ambitious joint project with the Region of Coquimbo. A bi-oceanic corridor that Porto Alegre Coquimbo and pass through San Juan.
"The idea is to leave the Pacific and should Coquimbo be the port of entry and exit. We prefer to travel 400 kilometers to Chile that 2,400 to Rosario "he says.
explains that to achieve this, we must extend the Paso Agua Negra." The first measure would be to lower the altitude of the pass, 4,700 meters to 3,700. We must also make a 13.8 km tunnel to avoid the 50 km more complicated. "According to the governor, the economic discussion and would be completed in ten days and be ready the total plan.
addition, the governor is interested in learn that his province more than mining. "My province is the most mineral development is imitating you. Even mega-projects have together, like Easter Lama. We are providing many Chilean companies come and teach them ours. "
also stresses that there are several projects to facilitate tourism," The San Juan Pacific always choose to spend the summer. We want to cultural events, exhibitions, sporting events. We have a marathon, San Juan-La Serena. There is an intense and a great calling of our presidents to continue working in this way. "
Neuquén, with emphasis on transport
" thought Neuquén Andes is not a barrier, but a point of union " says Jorge Sapag, the governor of Neuquén, which seeks to strengthen its ties with the regions of Biobio La Araucania, Los Lagos and Los Rios.
the province's priority is to improve its connectivity with Chile, to allow increased traffic flow. "We have to simplify border procedures and the speed of traffic. Currently, the Chilean side is already decided the construction of a building in Mamuil Malal, and will Cardenal Samore of the two sides. This implies that in the not too distant future, those traveling through those steps will only make your customs in the country of entry, "he says. Sapag
agrees that it is critical to its exit to the Pacific area "to extend the advent of Neuquen production to international markets" and adds another point of university exchange program between Chilean and Argentine authorities.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Chennai Airtel Landline Telephone Directory
Take the whole armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-18)
strengthen me with the great power of Jesus Christ. I put the whole armor of God
bad day, I will stay strong to resist until the end of the battle.
I girded with the belt of truth, and I protect with the breastplate of righteousness,
and prop my feet with the urge to proclaim the Gospel of Peace. Now I'm
the shield of faith with which I will turn off all the fiery darts of the wicked.
I take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit that is the word of God. As a warrior
pray every day and keep me alert and persevering in prayer
of each other.
Psalm 143:11 (New International Version)
11 For your name, Lord, give me life in your righteousness,
me out of this predicament.
Psalm 23 1 The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want, 2 in green pastures
makes me relax. Beside the still waters lead me; 3
gives me new * forces. He guides me in paths of righteousness for his
* name. 4 Even though I walk through dark valleys, I will fear no one
because you're by my side, your shepherd's staff comforts me.
5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.
have anointed my head with oil, my cup overflows.
6 Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life;
and the house of the LORD forever.
Philippians 4:13 (Reina-Valera 1960)
13 I can do everything through Christ who strengthens me.
Psalms 37:39-40 (New International Version)
39 The salvation of the righteous * comes from the Lord, he is their strength
in times of distress. 40 The LORD helps them and delivers them;
of the wicked and saves them, because they trust him.
Psalm 91:1-2 (New International Version)
1 He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty
. 2 I tell the Lord: "You are my refuge, my fortress
, the God in whom I trust."
Philippians 1:6 (Reina-Valera 1960)
6 Being confident of this, that he who began
my good work will perfect until the day of Jesus Christ.
Daniel 7:27 (New International Version)
27 Then will the Saints, who are the people of the Most High,
the majesty and power and greatness of the kingdoms.
His kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and serve and obey Him
all the rulers of the earth. "
2 Thessalonians 3:3 3 But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen us and we
protect them from evil.
The Final Battle.
Prayer to reject all vices:
Holy Father I come to Thee,
before your throne of grace you
and confess you sin vice .........( name).
I apologize for this sin and
give up this habit of ......( name)
break every tie of my soul, body and spirit
this service.
untie, destroyed and torn from my mind all compulsion,
addiction, mania by .........
I walk away from bad friends
I have to practice this addiction.
I cut them all ties of friendship, destroy all
friendship with the wicked, with whom I encourage to do so,
in the name of Jesus.
collapses now in my mind every stronghold of addiction,
psychosis, mania, habit, and necessity.
now fall strengths of all habit, all vice,
of any compulsion to .......
these strengths are destroyed now! In the name of Jesus.
invoke your precious blood to wash my mind now
and cleanse me from all unrighteousness. Be washed my mind, my conscience
your precious blood.
The / the service / s ceased to be in my mind (repeat 7 times)
Those who are Christ's have crucified the flesh with
its passions and desires (repeat 7 times) Galatians 5:24
I loose, I walk away now from all vice and for all, the powerful
Jesus.Declaro name all my being:
spirit, soul and body rejects
hates disgusted ........ vice .....( name),
now in the mighty name of Jesus.
renounce and resist Satan, that ancient serpent and all its
hierarchies. I renounce and refuse to Diana of the Ephesians, renounce and resist
Sheva, Ashtoreths, renounce and resist Asmodeus
to Beelzebub, Baal, renounce and refuse to Moloch, Chemosh, to Quiun.
renounce and resist Mammon.
All are now gone from my life, my mind, my body.
are going now with all its hierarchies of demons!
Out now in the name of Jesus! The
resist you all now and confess that they no longer dare
place in my life! The bind and cast out of my life and go now.
1) ADDICTIONS: Surrender to gambling (if this is your case)
renounce and refuse to spend much time thinking about
game, as past experiences or ways to get more money
to play.
renounce and resist the need to bet amounts
increasingly big money to feel excitement.
renounce and refuse to have had many attempts
vain to cut back or stop playing.
renounce and refuse to feel restless or irritable when trying to
to cut down or stop gambling
renounce and refuse to play to escape
problems or feelings of sadness, rejection and anxiety.
renounce and refuse to bet larger amounts of money
to attempt to recover previous losses.
renounce and refuse to lie about the amount of time or money spent
in the game.
renounce and refuse to commit crimes to get money to play
renounce and refuse to lose my marriage, my children, my family
because of gambling.
renounce and resist job loss, relationship, or
opportunities in my studies or my career because of gambling.
renounce and resist the need to borrow money to survive
due to losses caused by gambling.
renounce and resist the spirit of Piton, Beelzebub and
every spirit that binds my mind.
renounce and resist the pride and the spirit of Leviathan.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Little Pet Shop Advent Calender
Seisdedos CICERONE Submitted by Ivan on 11/09/2010 at 7:59
Land Disposal Rules Araucanos prior to Act 1
- According to what was promised in my previous article, Law No. 1: History Territorial Mapuche, here are the laws on Indian lands prior to the Act No. 1,
Disposal will land situated in Arauca Santiago, 4 August 1874.
Because Congress has given its approval the following draft lei:
"Article 1 The land surrounding the rivers Renaico tacky to the north, the south Malleco the Vergara by the west, i la cordillera de los Andes to the east, i on which individuals desiring a right, were sold at public auction i for the State in accordance with the provisions of Article 3 of the law of December 4, 1866.
in sales that may be made of the land described in the preceding paragraph, as in any other disposition of state lands in the territory indíjena, exijirá the buyer is paying cash for a third of the value of the auction i the balance will be paid dividend of ten percent per year, mortgaged the same property to respond to the performance of the contract.
Clause 2 to the judgments that justify property rights on the land sold, will be given the value that has been obtained by them in their vast.
3 º possessing regular or irregular remataren field who hold i on which intend to property rights, is exempt from immediately warned in paragraph 22 of article 1, provided that they give sufficient guarantees to meet compliance i contract legal interests if so unfavorable court ruling.
this exemption will cease if any two or more desiring ownership rights over the land auctioned. 4 º
also be auctioned as prescribed in Article 1 of the State land falling between the Bio-Bio us, Vergara, Renaico i la cordillera de los Andes, where on your property right i individuals desiring consents in the auction.
5 The prohibition to transfer contained in paragraph 1 of Article 4 of the Law of December 2, 1866, extends antichresis mortgages, leases or any other contract on land situated in indíjena.
Clause 6 individuals are prohibited from acquiring any land through indíjenas within the following limits: in the north, the river Malleco (birth in the Andes Mountains to its mouth in the Vergara) , i from this point south along the river until Picoiquén birth in the mountains of Nahuelbuta, i thence a line to the lagoon Lanalhue, located in this mountain range i Paicaví the river to its mouth at the sea, on the south, the boundary separating the department of Imperial Valdivia province, on the east, the Andes, i on the east, the sea.
rejirá not this prohibition on the farms whose titles States have already enrolled in the legal form.
Those who are established or may be enacted within the same territory may not claim other rights that the subscription of the improvements which have added to them when d State has such lands. This provision shall not apply to settlers or a. the indíjenas. Section 7
functions conferred by Article ñ. ° of the Law of 1866 to injenieros commission, shall be performed by a judge of the Court of Appeals of Concepción, which may have the effect of one or more of injenieros existing on the border.
Clause 8 At indíjenas that they prove the possession referred to in Articles 6 and 7 of the Law of December 4, 1866, were considered horn settlers for the purpose of awarding gut without necessarily being subject the conditions imposed on the other settlers. Section 9
Possession state notorious father, mother, husband, wife or child, title will be enough to be in favor of the same inheritance rights indíjenas establishing common law for parents and children cónyujes afar.
Article 10. Dle protector indíjenas prosecutors represent the interests of all that territory, as poor i litigate in defense of the Indians. In case of implication, the Treasury will be presented by the secretary of the Administration of Arauco, who enjoy a bonus of three hundred dollars a year in compensation for this work.
Article 11. For individuals who want to establish colonies on their own in the territory indíjena, be granted up to one hundred fifty acres of land flat or hills or twice in the hills or mountains, for each immigrant family in Europe or the United States of America, pre-conditions that lays the President of the Republic in the respective contracts.
The children or family members over ten years ia the of this age to four, will be awarded to the first half of the field that points in the previous article ia the second a quarter.
In the colonies Fundaro by the State in the same territory as provided in the final paragraph of Article 3 of the Law of December 4, 1866, no horns allowed immigrant settlers but above nationalities.
Article 12. Authorize the President to commission, when appropriate, a public employee with the character of inspector of colonization, meets the diverse needs of settlements in the territory indíjena i propose the measures to be taken for promotion
This employee shall, while holding out the place of ordinary residence in the performance i was committed, a per diem of five dollars per day ".
since I listened to the council of state, I have decided to approve i approve it, so i ordered prornulgue be put into effect in all parts of the Republic horn lei.
Errázuriz.-Adolfo Federico Ibáñez. - (Bulletin XLII books and websites 82 to 87, year 1874). Lots
indíjenas: Ban mortgage, give them on lease, antichresis, etc.
(Law promulgated on 28 February 1883, the number 1.766 of the Official Journal)
Valparaiso, January 20, 1883. Because Congress has agreed the following draft lei:
"Article 1. ° prohibition to acquire land indíjenas made a. individuals in Article 6. ° of the Law of August 4, 1874 in the territory mentioned in that article, it extends to mortgages, antichresis, leases or any other contract under which, directly or indirectly deprive those in the possession or ownership of the land, on land within those limits, even when the indíjena or reduction to whom they belong are rejistrados its title.
This prohibition will continue for ten years.
Section 2 Features Article 50 of the Law of December 4, 1866 attached to a commission of injenieros i that Article 7 of the Law of August 4, 1874 conferred on a Minister of the Court of Appeals of Concepción will be performed by a cornisión composed of a lawyer, who shall preside, i injenieros two appointed by the President of the Republic.
This committee in its proceedings shall be subject to the provisions of that Law of 1866.
If the title that the commission shall have to extend for a indíjena or a reduction of three hundred acres cometh, the expedient to be raised in consultation with the President of the Republic, accompanied by a plan of the land to which the title refers.
3 º Restablécese office indíjenas saver I think Article 8 of the Law of December 4, 1866, with the salary that the lei was assigned.
Section 4. ° This lei rejir begin from the date of its publication in the Official Journal.
I because, heard the State Council, I have been pleased to approve i approve it, so i Take enacted into effect as I read of the Republic of Santa Domingo, Luis Aldunate María.
.- (Bulletin, LII books and websites 161 i 162, year 1883).
There remains the old law of December 4, 1866. CICERONE
Regions Outside Arica Chile-Parinacota Region Araucanía Region Lakes Region Region of Los Ríos Magallanes Region of Tarapaca Region de Valparaiso Region del Bio Bio entire country Read 1234 times 0 Comments 35%, this increase was not reflected in the reduction of poverty in the country but instead increased spending and receiving fluid in the social sectors at risk not noticed. This I believe was caused by the breakdown of the expenditure on Public Expenditure and Public Expenditure irregular regular. The first was called the traditional system of expenditure which that through normal methods conventional input is handled directly by the public statements to the precarious beneficiaries. Instead the latter (public expenditure created by the conclusion irregular) using current methods with the notable projects and opaque intermediary of thousands of consultants and NGOs (outsourcing in the distribution of State contribution) whose distribution comes at a low rate to the beneficiaries because the difference is entangled in the over sized consulting firms and others.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Drugstore Oil Free Foundation
Jorge Lavandero UChile Radio released book, "From Jail: On how I became a victim of a conspiracy and mounting political, legal and communications to silence me" Accusing
assembly and a plot against him, former Senator Jorge Lavandero , told Channel 13, the prosecutor Xavier Armendariz and other political actors as guilty of the murder of his public image through a trial which he described as unconstitutional. Through del libro “Desde la Cárcel: De cómo fui víctima de un complot y montaje político, jurídico y comunicacional para silenciarme”, el ex parlamentario presenta diversas pruebas que comprobarían la maquinación.
“Es inconstitucional y como un saco de mierda: donde se toque te ensucias”, así calificó el ex senador Jorge Lavandero el proceso judicial en su contra que terminó en una condena de tres años de prisión efectiva por abusos sexuales reiterados en contra de cuatro menores.
"It is difficult for a human being has had to endure so much pain as I have had to endure innocent. And in this book will prove it with documents with irrefutable facts. The legal truth is hard to transoformar a truth procedure, but it is my testimony, is the evidence, you can read those, you will be informed of the scoundrel who had to do, "he said. Lavandero
went on to say that he never imagined "that the evil came to this end. I would have preferred to put a bullet. But they did, because I had become a martyr. " As they did in Canada with the Prime Minister, as they did with John Hamilton to oust a minister. And people from the Coalition defeated by defending the copper. "
Former Democrat Senator and former member also advanced the defense presented in the 326-page book featuring 80 years of age.
It denounces a series of anomalies and alterations of the prosecution, headed by prosecutors who were in charge of the criminal investigation against him: Guillermo Piedrabuena and Xavier Armendariz.
An investigation began following a robbery suffered in the place of Lavandero in the Region of La Araucanía, which accused the caretaker of the land alleged sexual abuse of his daughter, which was rejected by judges who studied the case after a series of steps.
That's where Lavandero details the action that would have starred in the fiscal Armendáriz.
"Even though he had assured the press that had all the evidence to go to trial, all evidence to assassinate my picture in the end I had nothing. So Armendariz Santiago opened a book for my political opponents and people who were upset with me were to make a claim. Hence witnesses out of context. But evil of their sins, because the lie can not hide forever, the children made a notary signing statements - and there they are, are in the book - when they say they paid Armendáriz large sums to testify against me, and these statements are of regret for having done ", he accused the former MP.
Through documents and affidavits, Lavandero attempts to verify that they condemned the confessions were false. Also in the book also claims the assembly would have been prepared by the program contact Channel 13, which finally brought to light cases of sexual abuse that allegedly involved a former senator. Next to the lawyer
Roberto Celedon, former parliamentarian will consider the history that has transformed into a procedural argument that allows reaching the judicial review as a last resort in the Chilean courts and international tribunals to seek redress to their public image.
"many are scared and do not dare to defend"
In one of the most emotional moments of the presentation of his new book, former senator acknowledged the verge of tears among their peers MPs there were many who were afraid of defend its position.
"Here, many were frightened and dared not, but I have to say that there is a Senator, was a deputy, I replaced me (Eugenio Tuma) He came to see me in prison, cried together, I am honored by your friendship not being in my party. There are people like me was Gabriel Valdés a pedir disculpas a la cárcel. Hay algunos que, aunque sea silenciosamente, reaccionaron. No atrevieron a hacerlo en público, pero lo hicieron silenciosamente”.
Como único representante del Parlamento en la ceremonia, el aludido senador del PPD indicó que “todos pudimos haber hecho más, pero las circunstancias, los hechos, los conocimientos, las convicciones no se dieron en ese momento. Hubo muchísimos errores que se cometieron, tanto de Jorge como de sus abogados, y creo que la corrección de esos errores y el encuentro con la verdad va a limpiar la imagen y el prestigio de Jorge Lavandero y va a hacer que muchas autoridades, dirigentes que en un momento estuvieron ausentes, se hagan presentes para defend this cause. " While
MP at the time denied that there was any pressure to the parliament, he indicated that there were powerful influences that allowed the trial progressed fast enough to condemn Lavandero in record time.
Tuma said that if Jorge Lavandero, as a senator, had not denounced the "waste of resources of the mining" had never been charged or sentenced to prison.
ended Jorge Lavandero said he was not interested in party politics, as it has no ambition in that direction, but also stressed he would not abandon the struggle for social justice and who seek to create a body that brings together those who have this common interest within the progressive left the country. Francisco Mardones
Monday, September 6, 2010
Speeches For Father's 60th Free
four grounds of interest would exist that hinder the creation of the Commune of Rahu.
1 .- Mr. Bertin and some council members for 17 years has been fed back for the generous
rahuinos voting to support up to 60%, has remained
in the town of Osorno, which created such an option, expiring such privilege.
The aim is at all costs prevent the creation of the Commune of Rahue
until after 2012 because they are aware it against any
impediment is created anyway.
Rahue has not yet been informed of the installation of a collection of solid waste (poop) transported in closed trucks from seven towns of Osorno to the landfill Rahue Curaco distance of no less than 3.5 miles in a straight line from the monkey Rahue Osorno-filled with the polluting effects that would imply to the public because these are considered highly dangerous sludge for pathogenic contaminants enter the environment into the ground so that, when dispersed in the air, they infringendo in the inhabitants of residential areas or not, or Rahue Osorno, diseases that could even lead to death of people. Now unfortunately this does not lead to any collision producing one of the trucks or vice versa would imagine as the streets and highways in particular movement, collective and even tourism and Rahue Osorno. 4 .-
Related Topic with EESSAL. At present there are at least three to four direct downloads Rahue River from the shore west of it. Also commented that the sewage network in Rahue be connected through a pipeline that crosses the river by the bridge San Pedro, connected on the opposite side to the collector of bound sewage treatment plant in Cuínco. We have tried to locate the duct and connection and have not found anything yet but if there was something to confirm this thesis. Why they were in such shock over sized Enterprise in free fall for inclusion in the plan of wastewater treatment? We are concerned because the long time rahuinos them includes the collection and treatment concept wastewater service in the ticket sale.
sewer pipes in populations Pedro Aguirre Cerda, Craft Park, Carlos Condell etc, etc. with a diameter not exceeding 200 mm. are insufficient to withstand the increase in population or with the help of machines suxionadora
destrancar enough that the cameras today and the next day the sludge are again returning to the bath houses. Will be necessary for this company as well as charges for maintenance services should be maintained to recover the quality of life for its users who are very uncomfortable for the abandonment of which have been subjected. In much of Rahue will be these thin tubes must be replaced by others of larger diameter.
local authority before funding a campaign against derogatory treatment to the inhabitants of "Rahue poor communities" should better worry about at least respond to these private companies to comply with Rahue users to improve their poor far of life for the poor services provided by EESSAL to that suffered little these people will abandon induced poverty because it is not their fault after being rigorously them canceling their accounts, they respond with poor quality services.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Car Front Bonnet With Labelled Parts
Felix Pinero
a "fragile flower "in the full de Plasencia
03 Sep 2010
" My mother is like a fragile flower and I hope your stamina stem this attack, "" My children are young and have an oak health hold "and his friends believe in him and love him. He defended the honesty of all its corporate partners, including opponents who accuse him, but has reprimanded one of them, which best known, who acted as prosecutor before as counsel, the one who pursues only spokesmen that his party accords to defend the interests of the city and how "white" passed the legislature that has needed to "sell" for a few coins the credibility that we were witnessing not a politician .
Cantero has not gone down the mine that is, who obtains more city money than has been investigated, and that has led him to lead the prosecution of two innocent partners. When Blas Raymond has described as honest to everyone, including Michael, this has led to the gallows of suspicion, doubt, has tarnished his name innocent, although no case was being investigated or has taken any action against the accused. Cantero has cut into the stone that you should not, regardless of the consequences, arising out of your attitude. Blas
Raimundo has his white shirt, clean and immaculate thoughts homework done, the light feet, and a clean glide name blue, a recognized work, a people who loves him, a family that loves ... Has barely raised his voice if he is not to proclaim his innocence, which confirms its mayor and his party, but he has sullied his name, his honesty, loyalty, and the two people who gave him their trust, San Gil and Plasencia.
not thought the prosecutor in the aftermath of the news, perhaps deliberately sought to inflict damage, and that in no benefit to his city the power that accords him in his day. And it will hurt, but like a beast, hoping to give the final blow, as it has failed to boost the value of the policy of the soles of his shoes. Cantero
also should not believe in the presumption of innocence and the guilt itself, under the wise lesson to offer us his comrade moralejano Lomo, and forget, because there is no memory, a "fragile flower", hit by a storm of thorns on her mother's heart distressed. Talk
Raymond Blas, Mayor of San Gil and Councillor Plasencia, where he quoted; defend their honor and innocence, as his partner Enrique Tournament, but whatever the result, Cantero has been lowered himself as a man in political enhancement wanted to have and could not, and, especially, has been portrayed in its lack of humanity, a mother forget the "fragile flower" de Blas, so hurt in her heart, we were afraid for the health of your child rather than The complaint that we conducted. And now, with her innocence with tears in his eyes, which only shed the innocent, recalled the origin of their pristine integrity. Cantero, however, the honest fellow, like many his comrades of the PP, the courts prefer to win the honor that we grant them the people.
When his time comes, they speak, their lawyers will provide the evidence, the mayor will confirm in the faith and Plasencia San Gil and I will renew the "placet" which, as public servants, and may have been won and that a mere accusation can tarnish forever. And the "fragile flower" shine off while the weak light that never gave Plasencia a lawyer who claimed to be a prosecutor rather than defense attorney before political enemy before they mate, unfair rather than friend. And so was weakened their political voice, muffled, silenced forever, "blank" as he desiring a day of 2007. And yet, you may wonder: "Am I, Master?" - "You said ..." (Mt. 26-25), because you never was guardian of his brothers, but a defender of lost causes.
Thanks Felix for your defense of our fellow socialists Piacenza. All socialists are surprised. Have you broken or have broken the rules?. Faced with these attitudes
tort of PP, the solialista react with courage, wisdom and responsibility. Thanks mate Felix
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
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Solid Waste>> Nearly $ 7 billion were approved for Osorno landfill
11/marzo/2010.- The transfer of $ 6,900 million was approved by the Regional Council of Los Lagos (Core) for the construction of the landfill in the province of Osorno, where solid waste is deposited in the seven communes.
This was announced by Mayor Jaime Bertin in an exhibition yesterday in Puerto Montt, in his capacity as president of the Association of Municipalities of the Province of Osorno for the sustainable management of solid waste.
As indicated in that session, the realization of these monies would be an improvement to the intentions and desires of the authorities of the communes of the construction of a landfill, which includes the sealing of soil to wastewater formed in landfills seep into the soil and contaminate groundwater.
These fluids are collected and treated before evacuation, while the gases produced during decomposition of waste, will be captured and processed, preventing the deterioration of the ozone layer. Process
This project has received approval of an environmental impact assessment by the National Environment Commission (CONAMA), in addition to the approval of the Core.
Meanwhile, the next stage is the beginning of bidding process of the preliminary works of the project, which involves clearing the land to place the landfill, as well as the construction of internal roads and the perimeter fence of the enclosure. Bertin
expressed satisfaction with the approval of the project by the Core, to the municipality stating that environmental care is a priority. "With the commissioning of the landfill will give a more comprehensive solution to the removal of household waste, as these fees will be deposited under demanding environmental regulations," he said.
The "Provincial Osorno Landfill" is inserted in the framework of a strategy for the sustainable management of solid waste in the Lakes Region, which initiated and developed Bertin in his position as mayor, which also considers the strengthening of municipal associations and distribution capacity of each community.
The project has provided resources for a loan from the German Development Bank (KFW) and the State of Chile, through the Subdere (Department of Regional Development and Administration).
project management and the transfer of resources are provided by the Regional Government of Los Lagos, hence the involvement of the Core.
Monday, August 30, 2010
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rancahuinos if compared to the disaster Rancagua with the poverty of Osorno, they are very wrong because the commune Osorno remained in poverty up to the seventies and five of the last century because thanks to the visionary administration of President Allende, the nationalized copper were injected over resources not only to this commune Osorno but many of all the municipalities of Chile's major product revenue dollars from the entrance up of Codelco Chile for the production of dispatching copper copper from Chile to the outside and bringing turn money from around the world by large Chilean copper sales likely soon no longer be when the summer arrives in San Juan has gone to other parts of the planet, having to endure Chile not only many of the three hundred communes forty-seven back into poverty but also to regret the suspension of all welfare pensions and / or solidarity that today still rely on mining resources (The salary of Chile) thanks to the cessation of this great goose that lays the golden eggs (Codelco Chile) killed by the same characters personeros listed yesterday as High Civil Service, and in turn recognized today as head of muscles as a habit socialize losses and privatize the profits. Fortunately depart as poor from the modesty to honestly aspire to self-sufficiency with a community of sober and Independent Rahue the service of his people.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Broken With No Receipt
Plasencia, 26-8, 2010.-The Local Committee of the Socialist Group Plasencia (Cáceres), meeting in special session this afternoon, unanimously agreed to reaffirm its full confidence in the two socialist council the city and its management within their areas of municipal jurisdiction, to the allegations appeared in a regional media which are referred to as "alleged by the prosecution" and not reported or charged. "
The committee, according to the Press Office of the Provincial de Cáceres PSOE has also reiterates its confidence in the socialist municipal group led by its mayor, Elia María Blanco, "for the efficient management carried out during the last two legislatures, backed by a socialist project's priority is to Piacenza and, as a goal, the city's progress."
addition, the Local Committee agreed to convey to Piacenza citizens' trust and confidence, "despite the intention of the PP in its policy of attrition and the malice of their action" by creating doubts and cause parallel trials to justice, when those elected officials have been reported, but are not charged or accused and their rightful presumption of innocence.
In addition, the committee wishes to stress that "while the Court does not act, the accusations in the press have been made with malice, because at present the office has just opened the period of instruction.
The Local Committee of the PSOE wants to get public opinion Placentina its finding that the policy of the PP is to wear down opposition to the municipal government and management, to create uncertainties citizens without facts or evidence to support their claims , questioning the honesty of two socialist public office and may be hinting that Some aldermen more. "We are concerned that rather than talking about projects and hopes for the city, your challenge is to get power at all costs", but we must realize that their weakness and lack of leadership is constant, "and against this premeditated act with the sole purpose of provoking parallel trials for confrontation, not leave it to Justice, which ultimately is where we trust. "
Finally, the committee expresses its confidence that, with the vote of Piacenza, "we're about to get a milestone in the democratic journey in our city: the rule for the third time in Plasencia, backed by a social project of unparalleled quality and equity, "held and realizable" because we focus on the present and future progress of the city and its equipment "and reiterated, finally, that" from all the strengths of the PSOE Plasencia, attitude CP is what it is. "
Friday, August 20, 2010
White Bumps Palate Mouth
File Format: Microsoft Word
Reform Decree with Force of Law No. 120 of Finance Act of the Cock ..... Bill No. 120, 1960, Finance Act of Polla Chilena de Charity. .... would be amended if all the games and Lottery Polla. .... If no changes are approved, there will be Joint Commission. ... ...
Thursday, June 10, 2010
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"If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange
then both still have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange, then both have two ideas "
George Bernard Shauw
'm thinking that the "time of crisis" we must throw
imagination and courage. And today I propose the idea of \u200b\u200bMay 10, 2010.
I would make this our Socialist Party, a Party
even more imaginative, more creative. In my opinion, sometimes we're pretty tied up by the "we've always done it" and I think it's time to change patterns and structures.
The courage come from the effort of trying to change our
cognitions, our ways of thinking and acting of this great Party (whose principles are undeniable and unbeatable but in a changing society and evolving at rates atropellantes) a better match, with a single purpose: to work with and for citizens contemplating and interacting with it in an attractive and healthy attitude to do it from nearby, listening and translating their concerns and proposals from the realities and responsibilities that each one would have to assume.
A part of reality, citizens also have to instruct them to work for the future, future that is "today." In my opinion if the citizens are given greater share of the answer is massive yet surprise us for their important and sensible ideas. These ideas moved to the management or organization of a party would a breakthrough and ultimately a transformation in culture and civic responsibility. When sharing and part of an organization that takes into account people, they greatly value their managers or the organization, and even in the worst moments are the ones who will support their managers or the organization providing them again, not only support ideas but responsible, reasonable and consistent. Reciprocity and complicity, a better way to present and future
Each of us is a person "generator of ideas."
I would like a group of volunteers Piacenza / as (from which you can be you) we meet from time to time Headquarters of the local PSOE de Plasencia, simply to "generate ideas." Many more, more ideas shared!.
We have the possibility to add proposals and reflections of movements and social groups as well as anyone Plasencia city from a progressive vision that wants to collaborate with their suggestions in the construction and consolidation of a Placentina society more free, fair and equitable.
works and why the Socialist Party strives to my day.
Ah! Who wants to see ghosts in this was wrong, but everyone is free to interpret what happens as it sees fit. Greetings
Socialists, Puerto
Monday, May 24, 2010
How To Congratulate Someone That Just Had A Baby
Dear fellow socialists, generously
If you respond positively to all the Party organizations or plans, even more so now, we feel your presence is essential in all Acts since, despite being very difficult times Unit is where the party must find its greatest strength. Currently
the socialists (as usual ....) We are required to make a double, triple .... effort to show that thanks to our bold and courageous policies continue working for the city from the responsibility, commitment and sensitivity to all of us in one way or another we have to live closely with the current situation and what about pay cuts for employees and public officials. In my opinion we are on the right track and take serious action is what we're in this phase. We have plenty of reasons to go out and talk to our fellow citizens to convince. Let us value the achievements, but careful what we must do when sowing mistrust!, We can not be blinded by these messages, but keep us alive and more alert than usual. Our task is to sow with credibility and serenity employment and economic growth.
When making decisions of this magnitude is not thinking about elections it is acting responsibly to today and tomorrow, and most measures are taken by and for citizens, the big hit, while working for the maintenance and sustainability of our social, economic and the creation of a job. Since pregnant women, children, youth, adults, seniors, pensioners, immigrants, national ...., People from all perspectives and conditions, all of which concern us but we must act decisively to strengthen the country and now we require sacrifices solidarity and generosity to the most disadvantaged and so we should behave. We have an obligation to encourage that little can or can not bear the burden alone, these values \u200b\u200balso underpin the social foundations.
If to save our well-being of our children and citizens, we socialists have to work twice even with wage cuts and work much harder, we will do together in pursuit of a clear morning to live together and in an orderly and progressive construction projects
Among all get combat the difficulties, because we believe it and are convinced that our actions are the most beneficial to the city to emerge stronger from this global crisis, which affects us almost all people fairly and we each provide what we required.
is time to analyze but also is the time to move forward constructively. Let us try to work on these two elements and with courage.
There are reasons and for the hope and opportunity, in that we direct our energies. All join.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
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Today May 18, 2010 is the International day of museums, why are admitted free throughout the day today.
If you have not desaprovecheis opportunity and visit one.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
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Tonight from 21:00 pm in the pavilion of the sports you play the fourth game of the play-offs for promotion.
Admission is free and I urge the public to attend and cheer the team.
Plasencia Extremadura IRUÑA GROUP NAVARRA
Plasencia City Hall Time: 21.00 hours
Garmendia Zorita and Glez. Cuervo
Manager: Rafa Gomariz
Soria Almazán 10 5 9
Cardito Warren
Barceló Martín Calvo 7
15 Adrian Garcia 11
Coach: José María Urabayen
Template: Rome
Baquer Bas 6 8 10
Juan Raúl López Txomin
Narros 12 14
4 5
Txema Gonzalez
11 Parmer
Añaterve Cruz
Iñaki Sanz
How To Unlock Suitcases
May 2 Mother's Day:
Congratulations to all and a very special memory of my mother.
Some characters from another party, ie the PP, who championed the issue believe the family and maintain that because they were holding an essential pillar of the social structure, the Family. How wrong they are, the socialists like any other person regardless of their ideological identity come from parents with names and so are family advocates as each other. Nobody can tell me that the person who has given birth to me, ie my mother means to me the most important of my life, like my daughters. She and my father I owe it all, they who gave me life and I thank them. My personality, education, .. my ideals, my complex, my anger, my fears or my assurances, my view of life, my values \u200b\u200bare imbued with the essence ....; They and this Mother's Day is dedicated her, who taught me the important thing is to, assess, recognize and love and this is paramount. This life full of social engagements, so full of vanity and not always pleasant work, having the support and not blame a mother is so vital and so healthy that I am proud to say I LOVE YOU MOTHER.
Socialists great defenders of the values we are very proud of our families and continue to maintain that union umbilical our Mothers, women tantrums and fighters in defense of our freedoms. Many kisses and VIVA
OUR MOTHERS. Any day, any time is important to share with them
Regards, Puerto
Saturday, May 1, 2010
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The appeal two years ago launched Board and City Council is open in Santa Barbara
are eight now receiving care in day center labor and social inclusion for people with addictive behaviors. In fact, for people who had and currently have left the agency. There are eight now, but since its opening have Last 17 former drug addicts by that center-based Caritas facilities in Santa Barbara.
Most users are male and most of them aged between 30 and 60 years. Equal parts of alcohol are former addicts and former addicts mixture of heroin and cocaine. Is the profile that makes Carol Monroy Paccini, BA in Psychology and a Diploma in Occupational Therapy is the technician who is in charge of the day center. It is from that Board and City Council launched the service two years ago ... ... ... ...
This news, I consider of vital importance. Not only as a Socialist government achievement Placentino, but by the political and social effects caused by these actions in the city and show that both the human and social sensitivity in Piacenza still maintain our leaders face a tangible reality of everyday life.
also want to congratulate the Ministry of Health and Unit be approved in the last Council of Government meeting yesterday, "subsidies for hiring or promoting self-employment of those with addictive behavior problems who are in treatment programs and with favorable outcome. "
The continuing concern for the problems of society and people with addictive behavior is a social action else that leads to think that the Socialists would not look the other way but faced with daily issues and responsibilities affecting a sector of society that's not curbed in time, these people are discriminated against or become delinquent.
The fact in itself goes beyond these simple words. For much information, dedication of parents, teachers or government .... The fact is that is: many young people during the weekend or throughout the week, put their lives at risk by consuming alcohol different circumstances, substance abuse, etc ... and I wonder what can we do to avoid these risks? but this question does not seem well formulated. If we know the consequences of these behaviors, how is that providing as much information young people and society in general to continue using drugs or alcohol excessively?, Especially parents, are we coherent with what we demand from our children and they see, live or perceived within the family?, Do you take time to our children ... parents are able to move and put ourselves in their place, not to be parents and adults?.
If we are to tackle this problem, we are able to analyze in any depth. From the Administration, Municipal Councils, Education, Health ..., it should foster new comprehensive measures for tackling efficiently of this problem and integrate these activities for people willing to work from the root of the problem, it is essential to the critical eyes of committed and skilled people for expeditious and effective interventions in terms of detection, care, rehabilitation, prevention of addictive behavior and promoting healthy behaviors. And let us from the difference between what has been done responsibly but generally effective results and the commitment that the Socialists have with our youth, inheritors of a brand new company that provides solidarity, health and education as fundamental pillars for the transformation social.
Regards, Puerto
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Letter For Asking Gift
Will be open until 16 May, and although the official opening will not be until tomorrow at noon, exhibitors may visit beginning today.
hours which will remain open from Monday to Saturday, 10 to 14 and from 17 to 21.30, while Sunday will visit from 11 to 14 and 17 to 21.30.
Eagle Scooter Wheels Wholesale
The ski resort of La Covatilla hosted the third meeting yesterday Netur, cross-border program supported by European funds, which brought together politicians from Plasencia, Castelo Branco and Bejar, in addition to tourism entrepreneurs Extremadura Castilla y Leon and Portugal.
Placentina attended by Mayor Elia María Blanco and Francisco Martín and Raquel council doors.
The three parties agreed on the need to work together and develop products that offer tourists to visit the three regions.
Where Are There Bd Ls Galleries?
The Ministry of Education has taken up the administrative process to give the city a new public school in the north and could open in school year 2012-2013.
canceled after a first call upon detection of an error in the graphic documentation provided to carry out the work themselves for competition, the Ministry of Education announced the hiring now service drafting of construction and safety study of the works address the new school.
With a base budget of 170,000 euros bidding, the project implementation period is 4 months and the companies have 30 days to submit bids.
Kidney Infection Off Work
The V Health Fair opens today at noon in the Plaza Mayor, with the novelty of including workshops for children and the forecast is involved about 1,500.
For them also organized a healthy Olympics to be held on May 6, with the goal of preventing childhood obesity.
also be maintained twenty posts in the main square with information on health-related groups and free testing glucose, stress, podiatric review and determination of body mass index.
addition, today there will be a healthy eating workshop at noon in St. Mary and will receive their awards for excellence municipal health.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
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His prolific literary legacy, with titles like "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer," "Huckleberry Finn" or "Prince and Beggar", earned him the title "father of American literature" as it defined the writer William Faulkner in 1955.
In his obituary was felt that Mark Twain joker comic evolved from "one of the great literary figures of his time", while recognition of his contemporaries did not soften its end, marked by family tragedies and the loss of their loved ones. Biography
Twain's origins tell much of his later work: was born on November 30, 1835 in Florida (Missouri, USA), but it was the port of Hannibal, where he moved with his family to four years, setting the edge of the Mississippi in which raids are inspired by Tom and Huck, in which the author reflects many of his experiences early.
Among them, its relationship with slavery , who lived nearby in Mississippi, a state that allowed, and at home, because his father was a slave and one of his uncles had several, which young Sam spent time listening to their stories and spiritual songs.
A recurring theme in an extensive production but as a writer began in his newspaper articles, profession that came after a difficult journey, with just 18, took him to New York, where he worked in various publications.
In 1857 he returned to Mississippi and after engaging in pilot boats on the river, the outbreak of civil war (1861-1865) forced him to abandon this work and led him to Nevada, where he intended to devote himself to search for gold.
soon returned to journalism in the "Territorial Enterprise" in Virginia, where he first used the pseudonym would happen to posterity.
The first turning point in his career as a writer came in 1865 with the publication in different newspapers of the short story "The Celebrated Jumping Frog of skulls district."
Twain achieved a notable success with this story but even more with their travel articles, compiled after a book, "Guide for innocent travelers" (1869).
While continuing his career as a journalist and began the writer, Twain moved to several cities, he married Olivia Langdon and gave birth to her first daughter, Susy, who died at two years of diphtheria.
A drama that led him to pour into social criticism before focusing on a fiction, however, always had a strong background of reality clearly demonstrating the anthropological vocation of the writer.
In 1876 came The Adventures of Tom Sawyer , that went far beyond the children's literature in which was framed in the first place and pointing the social aspect that the writer would always books.
"Prince and the Pauper" (1881), "Life on the Mississippi" (1883), "A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court" (1889), which is undoubtedly his most famous work, " The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn "(1884), which satirizes slavery that prevailed in the southern states.
A key and controversial topic in his works, that if one side contains harsh criticism of slavery, it also maintains positions that some critics considered ambiguous for racist content.
A hectic life
Between 1890 and 1900, Twain and his family spent traveling around the world and the writer witnessed the social, who depicted in his works and from 1901 until his death was chairman of the Anti-Imperialist League .
A life experience that made him a deep understanding of reality in which he lived and reflected in his novels. "To suppose is fine, but find it better," said Twain, who always wanted to witness.
And that realism of his stories with simple language and fun made him one of the most influential writers in American literature.
Rimer was the p great American writer that came from the east coast, the first to use a language that people seemed to speak in reality and certainly one of the first writers in the social analysis allied with simplicity .
"All American literature begins with him. There was nothing before. There is nothing after," said Ernest Hemingway.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Example Of Letter Offer Of Lease
A eulogy read the book :
"I would like the Cervantes Prize Cervantes had been for"
WORDS JOSE EMILIO PACHECO , CERVANTES PRIZE 2009 Cervantes Prize awarded on 23 April in Madrid,
I recommend reading his speech. Speaking of Don Quixote is a dynamic and great exercise, thanks to these fantasies, dreams, lets you build and can be projected realities continue reading, dreaming, learning and building and devising a present and a fantastic future for all ....
I about to a few paragraphs for reflection:
"1947 is as far back as 1547. Both have been plunged into eternal shadow and is not recoverable. Perhaps invents memory and imagination that evokes the dense light everyday. However, the same way that we will always giant windmills that had just
were installed in 1585 and modernity before the invention of the word, in a real plane is another experience of a child who one morning in Mexico City with his entire school is the Palace of Fine Arts and awe at a performance of Don Quixote become show "
" Don Quixote is many things but revenge is also against everything that Cervantes suffered until the last day of its existence. If we resort to comparisons with the history that Cervantes lived and suffered, we say that first took the defeat of the Armada, and then extracronológicamente his
great victory of Lepanto, Don Quixote is the highest chance to be ever seen the English language. "
" Nothing happens in this cruel 2010 - from earthquakes to the cloud of ash, growing poverty in the unprecedented violence that devastates countries like Mexico was expected to start the year. Everything changes every day, everything is corrupted, everything is destroyed. However, in the midst of catastrophe, the center of the horror that we about everywhere, still standing, and today more than ever are able to give answers, the mystery and glory of the Quixote ".
"Like everything, the Internet is at the same time the chamber of horrors and the Retablo de las Maravillas."
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Herbivores In Antartic
Dear colleagues, today I want to involve the news from the Provincial Psoe we are dedicated to the Socialist Party of Plasencia.
I would also like to thank all colleagues who have participated in this new action and I anticipate that we are already working on the content we have chosen for the next bulletin.
I encourage you to collaborate with your contributions and suggestions. We have much work ahead and it's time to make a greater effort.
take this opportunity to congratulate our provincial and fellow writer Felix Pinero Psoe responsible for this news and the dissemination of the newsletter PSOE placetino
Cáceres Province
Sale "Plasencia, at street level, "the first newsletter of the local PSOE
DL (Extremaduraaldia)
April 22, 2010 Updated 19:16 CET:: Read 7 times
PSOE secretary general of the Provincial de Cáceres, Juan Ramón Ferreira by the local secretary of Plasencia, Elia María Blanco and Secretary of Organization, Port Martin, in a recent meeting with the Local Committee of the PSOE Plasencia.
The Local Group PSOE de Plasencia has launched its first newsletter, entitled "A street", which collects the works in the city more than seven million euros from the Local Investment Fund, which resulted in the creation of 309 jobs during 2009.
In his presentation, the local secretary, Elia María Blanco, said, "is all proud to present this little space for communication," which "aims to bring the work of the party and all the good work being carried out to the membership and society at Plasencia. "
Analyzing the Plan E, it is stressed that "with this injection of cash, some companies have been able to overcome Piacenza the hardest moment of crisis" and "so no jobs have been destroyed , but have been able to create many new. Also, major works, such as swimming and settlement bioclimatic many streets have been undertaken during the year 2009. "
E Plan in Plasencia has allowed a total of twenty works.
The PSOE Plasencia your newsletter aims to serve "platform and of scripts on the current Placentina" and at the same time, to "be an instrument of internal reflection and a tool to reach the ordinary citizen objectified data and arguments for critical debate, "according to the Local Organizing Secretary, Port Martin in a letter to the militants.