Saturday, October 16, 2010

Drugstore Oil Free Foundation

conventional Regular Irregular concertacional Public Expenditure.

Jorge Lavandero UChile Radio released book, "From Jail: On how I became a victim of a conspiracy and mounting political, legal and communications to silence me" Accusing
assembly and a plot against him, former Senator Jorge Lavandero , told Channel 13, the prosecutor Xavier Armendariz and other political actors as guilty of the murder of his public image through a trial which he described as unconstitutional. Through del libro “Desde la Cárcel: De cómo fui víctima de un complot y montaje político, jurídico y comunicacional para silenciarme”, el ex parlamentario presenta diversas pruebas que comprobarían la maquinación.

“Es inconstitucional y como un saco de mierda: donde se toque te ensucias”, así calificó el ex senador Jorge Lavandero el proceso judicial en su contra que terminó en una condena de tres años de prisión efectiva por abusos sexuales reiterados en contra de cuatro menores.
could be explained, firstly, in the tough defense that always made from Parliament to the nationalization of copper and its opposition to the interests of large transnational corporations in the profits generated by the metal.
"It is difficult for a human being has had to endure so much pain as I have had to endure innocent. And in this book will prove it with documents with irrefutable facts. The legal truth is hard to transoformar a truth procedure, but it is my testimony, is the evidence, you can read those, you will be informed of the scoundrel who had to do, "he said. Lavandero

went on to say that he never imagined "that the evil came to this end. I would have preferred to put a bullet. But they did, because I had become a martyr. " As they did in Canada with the Prime Minister, as they did with John Hamilton to oust a minister. And people from the Coalition defeated by defending the copper. "

Former Democrat Senator and former member also advanced the defense presented in the 326-page book featuring 80 years of age.

It denounces a series of anomalies and alterations of the prosecution, headed by prosecutors who were in charge of the criminal investigation against him: Guillermo Piedrabuena and Xavier Armendariz.

An investigation began following a robbery suffered in the place of Lavandero in the Region of La Araucanía, which accused the caretaker of the land alleged sexual abuse of his daughter, which was rejected by judges who studied the case after a series of steps.

That's where Lavandero details the action that would have starred in the fiscal Armendáriz.

"Even though he had assured the press that had all the evidence to go to trial, all evidence to assassinate my picture in the end I had nothing. So Armendariz Santiago opened a book for my political opponents and people who were upset with me were to make a claim. Hence witnesses out of context. But evil of their sins, because the lie can not hide forever, the children made a notary signing statements - and there they are, are in the book - when they say they paid Armendáriz large sums to testify against me, and these statements are of regret for having done ", he accused the former MP.

Through documents and affidavits, Lavandero attempts to verify that they condemned the confessions were false. Also in the book also claims the assembly would have been prepared by the program contact Channel 13, which finally brought to light cases of sexual abuse that allegedly involved a former senator. Next to the lawyer

Roberto Celedon, former parliamentarian will consider the history that has transformed into a procedural argument that allows reaching the judicial review as a last resort in the Chilean courts and international tribunals to seek redress to their public image.

"many are scared and do not dare to defend"

In one of the most emotional moments of the presentation of his new book, former senator acknowledged the verge of tears among their peers MPs there were many who were afraid of defend its position.

"Here, many were frightened and dared not, but I have to say that there is a Senator, was a deputy, I replaced me (Eugenio Tuma) He came to see me in prison, cried together, I am honored by your friendship not being in my party. There are people like me was Gabriel Valdés a pedir disculpas a la cárcel. Hay algunos que, aunque sea silenciosamente, reaccionaron. No atrevieron a hacerlo en público, pero lo hicieron silenciosamente”.

Como único representante del Parlamento en la ceremonia, el aludido senador del PPD indicó que “todos pudimos haber hecho más, pero las circunstancias, los hechos, los conocimientos, las convicciones no se dieron en ese momento. Hubo muchísimos errores que se cometieron, tanto de Jorge como de sus abogados, y creo que la corrección de esos errores y el encuentro con la verdad va a limpiar la imagen y el prestigio de Jorge Lavandero y va a hacer que muchas autoridades, dirigentes que en un momento estuvieron ausentes, se hagan presentes para defend this cause. " While

MP at the time denied that there was any pressure to the parliament, he indicated that there were powerful influences that allowed the trial progressed fast enough to condemn Lavandero in record time.

Tuma said that if Jorge Lavandero, as a senator, had not denounced the "waste of resources of the mining" had never been charged or sentenced to prison.

ended Jorge Lavandero said he was not interested in party politics, as it has no ambition in that direction, but also stressed he would not abandon the struggle for social justice and who seek to create a body that brings together those who have this common interest within the progressive left the country. Francisco Mardones



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