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Rules on Land Disposal of pre Araucanos Act 1 Public Spending

Seisdedos CICERONE Submitted by Ivan on 11/09/2010 at 7:59

Land Disposal Rules Araucanos prior to Act 1
- According to what was promised in my previous article, Law No. 1: History Territorial Mapuche, here are the laws on Indian lands prior to the Act No. 1,

Disposal will land situated in Arauca Santiago, 4 August 1874.
Because Congress has given its approval the following draft lei:

"Article 1 The land surrounding the rivers Renaico tacky to the north, the south Malleco the Vergara by the west, i la cordillera de los Andes to the east, i on which individuals desiring a right, were sold at public auction i for the State in accordance with the provisions of Article 3 of the law of December 4, 1866.
in sales that may be made of the land described in the preceding paragraph, as in any other disposition of state lands in the territory indíjena, exijirá the buyer is paying cash for a third of the value of the auction i the balance will be paid dividend of ten percent per year, mortgaged the same property to respond to the performance of the contract.

Clause 2 to the judgments that justify property rights on the land sold, will be given the value that has been obtained by them in their vast.
3 º possessing regular or irregular remataren field who hold i on which intend to property rights, is exempt from immediately warned in paragraph 22 of article 1, provided that they give sufficient guarantees to meet compliance i contract legal interests if so unfavorable court ruling.

this exemption will cease if any two or more desiring ownership rights over the land auctioned. 4 º
also be auctioned as prescribed in Article 1 of the State land falling between the Bio-Bio us, Vergara, Renaico i la cordillera de los Andes, where on your property right i individuals desiring consents in the auction.

5 The prohibition to transfer contained in paragraph 1 of Article 4 of the Law of December 2, 1866, extends antichresis mortgages, leases or any other contract on land situated in indíjena.
Clause 6 individuals are prohibited from acquiring any land through indíjenas within the following limits: in the north, the river Malleco (birth in the Andes Mountains to its mouth in the Vergara) , i from this point south along the river until Picoiquén birth in the mountains of Nahuelbuta, i thence a line to the lagoon Lanalhue, located in this mountain range i Paicaví the river to its mouth at the sea, on the south, the boundary separating the department of Imperial Valdivia province, on the east, the Andes, i on the east, the sea.

rejirá not this prohibition on the farms whose titles States have already enrolled in the legal form.
Those who are established or may be enacted within the same territory may not claim other rights that the subscription of the improvements which have added to them when d State has such lands. This provision shall not apply to settlers or a. the indíjenas. Section 7

functions conferred by Article ñ. ° of the Law of 1866 to injenieros commission, shall be performed by a judge of the Court of Appeals of Concepción, which may have the effect of one or more of injenieros existing on the border.
Clause 8 At indíjenas that they prove the possession referred to in Articles 6 and 7 of the Law of December 4, 1866, were considered horn settlers for the purpose of awarding gut without necessarily being subject the conditions imposed on the other settlers. Section 9

Possession state notorious father, mother, husband, wife or child, title will be enough to be in favor of the same inheritance rights indíjenas establishing common law for parents and children cónyujes afar.
Article 10. Dle protector indíjenas prosecutors represent the interests of all that territory, as poor i litigate in defense of the Indians. In case of implication, the Treasury will be presented by the secretary of the Administration of Arauco, who enjoy a bonus of three hundred dollars a year in compensation for this work.

Article 11. For individuals who want to establish colonies on their own in the territory indíjena, be granted up to one hundred fifty acres of land flat or hills or twice in the hills or mountains, for each immigrant family in Europe or the United States of America, pre-conditions that lays the President of the Republic in the respective contracts.
The children or family members over ten years ia the of this age to four, will be awarded to the first half of the field that points in the previous article ia the second a quarter.

In the colonies Fundaro by the State in the same territory as provided in the final paragraph of Article 3 of the Law of December 4, 1866, no horns allowed immigrant settlers but above nationalities.
Article 12. Authorize the President to commission, when appropriate, a public employee with the character of inspector of colonization, meets the diverse needs of settlements in the territory indíjena i propose the measures to be taken for promotion

This employee shall, while holding out the place of ordinary residence in the performance i was committed, a per diem of five dollars per day ".
since I listened to the council of state, I have decided to approve i approve it, so i ordered prornulgue be put into effect in all parts of the Republic horn lei.

Errázuriz.-Adolfo Federico Ibáñez. - (Bulletin XLII books and websites 82 to 87, year 1874). Lots

indíjenas: Ban mortgage, give them on lease, antichresis, etc.
(Law promulgated on 28 February 1883, the number 1.766 of the Official Journal)

Valparaiso, January 20, 1883. Because Congress has agreed the following draft lei:
"Article 1. ° prohibition to acquire land indíjenas made a. individuals in Article 6. ° of the Law of August 4, 1874 in the territory mentioned in that article, it extends to mortgages, antichresis, leases or any other contract under which, directly or indirectly deprive those in the possession or ownership of the land, on land within those limits, even when the indíjena or reduction to whom they belong are rejistrados its title.

This prohibition will continue for ten years.
Section 2 Features Article 50 of the Law of December 4, 1866 attached to a commission of injenieros i that Article 7 of the Law of August 4, 1874 conferred on a Minister of the Court of Appeals of Concepción will be performed by a cornisión composed of a lawyer, who shall preside, i injenieros two appointed by the President of the Republic.

This committee in its proceedings shall be subject to the provisions of that Law of 1866.
If the title that the commission shall have to extend for a indíjena or a reduction of three hundred acres cometh, the expedient to be raised in consultation with the President of the Republic, accompanied by a plan of the land to which the title refers.

3 º Restablécese office indíjenas saver I think Article 8 of the Law of December 4, 1866, with the salary that the lei was assigned.
Section 4. ° This lei rejir begin from the date of its publication in the Official Journal.

I because, heard the State Council, I have been pleased to approve i approve it, so i Take enacted into effect as I read of the Republic of Santa Domingo, Luis Aldunate María.
.- (Bulletin, LII books and websites 161 i 162, year 1883).

There remains the old law of December 4, 1866. CICERONE

Regions Outside Arica Chile-Parinacota Region Araucanía Region Lakes Region Region of Los Ríos Magallanes Region of Tarapaca Region de Valparaiso Region del Bio Bio entire country Read 1234 times 0 Comments 35%, this increase was not reflected in the reduction of poverty in the country but instead increased spending and receiving fluid in the social sectors at risk not noticed. This I believe was caused by the breakdown of the expenditure on Public Expenditure and Public Expenditure irregular regular. The first was called the traditional system of expenditure which that through normal methods conventional input is handled directly by the public statements to the precarious beneficiaries. Instead the latter (public expenditure created by the conclusion irregular) using current methods with the notable projects and opaque intermediary of thousands of consultants and NGOs (outsourcing in the distribution of State contribution) whose distribution comes at a low rate to the beneficiaries because the difference is entangled in the over sized consulting firms and others.


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