Monday, April 4, 2011

Holly Willoughby Fake Pic In Paper

Open letter to politicians and criminals

Javier Sicilia

MEXICO, DF., April 3 (Process)

The brutal murder My son Juan Francisco, Julio César Romero Jaime, Luis Antonio Romero and Gabriel Jaime Escalera Schedule, in addition to those of many other boys and girls were also killed during and breadth of the country because not only of the war unleashed by the Calderon against organized crime, but the decay of the heart that has taken over the so-called political class and the criminal class, who has broken their codes of honor .

I do not want, in this letter, talk about the virtues of my son, who were immense, or for any of the other guys that I saw blooming at his side, studying, playing, loving, growing, serving like many other boys in this country that you have torn. Talking about it would not serve more than to shake what already touched the hearts of the public to outrage. No I do not talk about the pain of my family and the family of each of the boys destroyed. For this pain, no words can only get a little poetry to it, and you do not know poetry. What we now want to tell from these lives crippled from the pain that has no name because it is the result of what does not belong to nature, the death of a child is always unnatural and therefore has no name, then it is not an orphan or widower, is painfully simple and nothing-since these lives crippled, I repeat, from that suffering, from the outrage that these deaths have resulted, is simply that we are up to the mother.

to the mother of you, politicians, and when I say political I do not mean any particular one, but a good part of you, including those who make the games, "because in their struggles for power have torn fabric of the nation, because in the midst of this war ill-conceived, poorly made, poorly directed, this war has put the country in a state of emergency, have been unable, because of their pettiness, their struggles, their miserable grid, and his struggle for power "to create the consensus that the nation needs to find unity without which this country will not exit, we are up to the mother, because corruption judicial institutions creates complicity with the crime and impunity to commit, because, in the midst of such corruption that shows the failure of the State, every citizen of this country has been reduced to what the philosopher Giorgio Agamben called, with Greek , zoe, unprotected life, the life of an animal, a being who can be violated, kidnapped, molested and murdered with impunity to the mom because we only have imagination for violence, weapons, to the insult and thus, a deep contempt for education, culture and opportunities for good and honest work, which is what makes a good nation, we are up to the mother because the young imagination is allowing our kids, our children are not only killed but later, as criminals, falsely returned guilty to suit the mood of this imagination, we are up to the mother because another part of our boys, because of the absence of a good plan government, have no opportunities for education to find decent and thrown into the suburbs, are potential recruits for organized crime and violence are to the mother because of all this because the public has lost confidence in their leaders in their police in the Army, and have fear and pain, we are up to the mother because the only thing that matters, and a power powerless that only serves to manage Unfortunately, it's money, encouraging competition, its click "competitiveness" and the excessive consumption, which are other names in the violence.

Yours, criminals, we are back to the dam, its violence, its loss of good repute, of his cruelty, his nonsense.

past you had codes of honor. They were so cruel in their account settings and did not touch or citizens and their families. Now we do not distinguish. Their violence and can not be named because even as the pain and suffering they cause, has a name and a meaning. Even lost the dignity to kill. They have become the miserable cowardly Sonderkommandos Nazis who murdered without any sense of humanity to children, boys, girls, women, men and elders, that is, innocent. We are up to the mother because the violence has become inhuman, animal-animal not do what you do-but subhuman, demonic, stupid. We are up to the mother because his lust for power and enrichment humiliate our children and destroy and cause fear and terror.

You, "gentlemen" politicians, and you, "lords" criminals, the quotation marks because the epithet is given only to the honorable people, "they are with their omissions, their lawsuits and actions by vilifying the nation. The death of my son Juan Francisco has raised the cry of solidarity and indignation that my family and I thank you from the bottom of our hearts-of the public and the media. That anger comes again to bring to our ears that a very wise phrase Martí led the rulers: "If you can not renounce." To re-set before our ears, after the thousands of anonymous corpses that we did not anonymous to our backs, that is, many innocents killed and degraded, "that phrase must be accompanied by large mobilizations that force, in these times of national emergency, to join together to create an agenda to unify the nation and create a state of real governance. Morelos civic networks are calling for a national march on Wednesday, April 6 due out at 5:00 PM Memorial Dove of Peace to reach the government palace, demanding justice and peace. If citizens do not we join it and constantly reproduced in every city, in all municipalities and delegations of the country if we can not force that to you, "lords" politicians, to govern justice and dignity, and you, "masters" criminals, to return to their codes of honor and to limit its savagery, the spiral of violence that have generated will lead to a horror road of no return. If you "gentlemen" politicians do not govern well and do not take seriously that we live in a state of national emergency that requires the unit, and you, "masters" criminals, not limit their actions, will eventually succeed and have the power, but govern or reign over a lot of mass graves and terrorized beings and destroyed his soul. A dream that none of us would envy.

No there is life, "wrote Albert Camus, with persuasion and without peace, and history of Mexico today knows only intimidation, suffering, distrust and fear that one day another child from another family to be debased and abused, only know what you are asking us is that death, as is already happening today, it becomes a matter of statistics and management to which one must become accustomed.

We do not want that, the Next Wednesday we will go into the street because we do not want an older boy, one of our children, killed, networks Morelos citizens are calling for a national unity we must keep alive citizen to break the fear and isolation that the inability of you, "lords" politicians, and the cruelty of you "masters" criminals, we want to get into the body and soul.

remember in this regard, a few lines from Bertolt Brecht when the horror of Nazism, that is, the horror of the installation of crime in the everyday life of a nation, announced: "One day they came for Blacks and said nothing, another day came for the Jews and I did not, one day came for me (or my son) and had nothing to say. " Today, after so many crimes supported, where the mangled body of my son and his friends have been mobilized back to the public and the media, we talk with our bodies, our journey with our cry of indignation to Brecht's verse does not make a reality in our country.

addition I think you have to restore dignity to this nation.

This letter is published in the 1976 edition of Proceso magazine, already in circulation.


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