herbal remedies for diabetes.
Diabetes is a chronic disease can not be cured. That you should know perfectly any person who has it. But the truth is that it can cope with in a much more appropriate if treated properly, it takes a strict eating plan and relies on some plants and herbs for this disease. Some
combined infusions of plants often give excellent result. This is ideal to take before meals, you should prepare a kind of broth with lemon balm, parsley, celery, lemon juice and nettles and drink daily for a long time, for best results.
eucalyptus infusion also usually excellent to lower blood sugar levels and make diabetes more manageable. Simply plant leaves boiled in water for 15 minutes, let stand 5 more, before straining and drinking. Use it daily. Another
food groups that are usually very good for diabetes are plants with a high content of iodine (iodine). These include spinach and watercress. Just to employ more often in your daily diet.
Are you interested in learning more tricks for diabetics? Here is a section of home remedies for diabetes, more plants and herbs here and here another article some interesting recipes that you can use daily. Did you this article helpful? Juan Esteban Jorge
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Saturday, April 30, 2011
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cases treated with seawater
cases treated with seawater. In this article we show some clinical cases of treatments with sea water so they can see their effectiveness in many diseases.
This report focuses on the qualitative description of six patients treated at clinics in the municipality of Girardot (Cundinamarca) and in Santa Fe de Bogotá. It should be noted that in these clinics and the El Santuario and Rionegro (Antioquia) it was found that in families and communities of patients who have received the Navy therapy has increased the use and application of sea water before observation of the profits made by them.
However, these people have not had continuity in treatment by the lack of water availability due to supply problems but pending for restarting as soon as it available. These users that remained with pathological conditions of cardiovascular type, skin diseases, gastrointestinal and nutritional deficiencies.
Clinical cases of treatments with seawater in Colombia
Case 1: girl 7 years old, natural, resident and from Arauca (Arauca), diagnosed with malignant brain tumor spread, prognosis of survival of 20 days According to the health assessment, Hospital San Ignacio de Santa Fe de Bogota, two tumors of about 5 cm. diameter in both lobes of the brain, unresectable. She was discharged with terminal illness, disoriented in all three areas, without language, without control sphincters, hypotonic. He was treated by eating sea, 3 glasses of sea water daily and new medical evaluation within 20 days is conscious, oriented, sphincter control and normal language. Evolution is unknown because the patient did not return to the clinic.
Case 2: 42-year-old male, a native of El Santuario (Antioquia), a resident and from Santa Fe de Bogotá, dealer, married with a history of Diabetes Mellitus difficult to manage, who referred to "dizziness" constant. Start by eating marine therapy, 3 glasses of sea water per day in April 2002. In assessments of blood glucose and general physical condition made between April and December 2002 found euglycemic (normal blood glucose level), no significant physical exam and complete remission of symptoms referred.
Case 3: 12 year old, natural, coming and living in Santa Fe de Bogota, with a history of Type I diabetes is difficult to manage, treated with 3 daily doses of human insulin. She complained of polydipsia, and dizziness. Start by eating marine therapy, 3 glasses of sea water daily, in May 2002. In October of 2002 is without symptoms, with normal glycemia and insulin dosage was reduced to one-third of the usual dose.
Case 4: patient adult, female, diagnosed with carcinoma lower third of the esophagus, unresectable and not amenable to treatment with radiation or chemotherapy. Was sent to his home for end-stage disease with survival prognosis of up to 3 months according to the medical evaluation. He was treated by eating sea. 3 glasses of sea water a day in June 2002. In December 2002, the patient is asymptomatic and has not required gastrostomy or any other additional treatment or additional enteral or parenteral nutrition.
Case 5: 6 year old, natural, and from resident Girardot (Cundinamarca) diagnosed with Psoriasis. Started therapy with topical seawater injury in June 2002. In December of 2002 is no skin lesions.
Case 6: children with convulsive syndrome and paraplegia secondary to head trauma, with severe psychomotor retardation and severe physical retardation, with daily seizures and recurrent hospitalizations in number from 3 to 4 month for systemic infections and status epilepticus. He was treated Navy in May 2002 with intake of three glasses of sea water daily and weekly intramuscular injection of 10 cc. In the 6 months following the child has not presented convulsive episodes has not required hospitalization, strong language and monosyllabic type of toilet training, has also increased weight and height discreet.
Report clinical cases of clinic Marine City-Real (Spain)
Case 1: 36 year old woman following a slimming supported with homeopathy and acupuncture.
is hypertensive. The seawater intake isotonized using a method known in two parts of hypertonic sea water and five parts of fresh water spring, has not produced tension imbalance, tensions remain within normal limits, continuous antihypertensive medication but "not increased "to perplexity of his family doctor. Refer
increased diuresis.
Significant improvement of intestinal function.
Case 2: 47 year old woman who takes seawater feel better and observe its effects, in principle, they take their parents but decided to try to see "how she would fare" isotonic swallowed two glasses, one mid morning and mid afternoon, the last time we visited (27-6 -2001) concerns the following:
disappearance of their headaches. He suffered from a headache, not migraine front location and have disappeared completely, without following any other method.
intestinal regulation: not suffering from constipation but says do better since the baby.
Disappearance of heaviness in the legs have varicose very important but it produced significant weight on the legs: "tired legs", although regular physical exercise (walking briskly an hour for 4 days a week)
Disappearance of pain in the lower abdomen in relation to menstruation. The patient suffered from severe non-menstrual pain, this has improved completely.
Case 3: 73-year-old decides to take marine plasma to see if their legs become lighter because you have weight on them because varices evident in the territory of the saphenous vein, it takes two to three glasses a day of marine plasma and spent three months , heavy legs says he has gone and despite the summer is worse.
Case 4: "fibrocystic mastopathy, middle-aged woman who has cystic fibrosis in one breast, with the presence of several non-cancerous lumps, one of them the size of a pigeon's egg. In the presence of the first ultrasound packages are discovered, the second ultrasound appear smaller and the third shows the total disappearance of nine months after giving two glasses of marine plasma.
Case 5: "Plaquetoténias in study and treatment with seawater, middle-aged woman with too few platelets (About 40,000) We were going to corticosteroids, but after taking two glasses of plasma ocean for a few months her platelet count has risen to 113,000 to the surprise of his doctor.
Same case in a 14 years old, his platelet count was about 40 thousand doors to receive corticosteroids and the same treatment after two glasses of isotonic seawater in five months amounted to 90,000.
Case 6: two cases in women of 40 years say they have been suffering from hair loss in abundance during times ago, and brittle nails, after taking two glasses of sea water in the form of plasma ocean, Both say they are not fall out now and have hardened nails and not brittle.
cases treated with seawater. In this article we show some clinical cases of treatments with sea water so they can see their effectiveness in many diseases.
This report focuses on the qualitative description of six patients treated at clinics in the municipality of Girardot (Cundinamarca) and in Santa Fe de Bogotá. It should be noted that in these clinics and the El Santuario and Rionegro (Antioquia) it was found that in families and communities of patients who have received the Navy therapy has increased the use and application of sea water before observation of the profits made by them.
However, these people have not had continuity in treatment by the lack of water availability due to supply problems but pending for restarting as soon as it available. These users that remained with pathological conditions of cardiovascular type, skin diseases, gastrointestinal and nutritional deficiencies.
Clinical cases of treatments with seawater in Colombia
Case 1: girl 7 years old, natural, resident and from Arauca (Arauca), diagnosed with malignant brain tumor spread, prognosis of survival of 20 days According to the health assessment, Hospital San Ignacio de Santa Fe de Bogota, two tumors of about 5 cm. diameter in both lobes of the brain, unresectable. She was discharged with terminal illness, disoriented in all three areas, without language, without control sphincters, hypotonic. He was treated by eating sea, 3 glasses of sea water daily and new medical evaluation within 20 days is conscious, oriented, sphincter control and normal language. Evolution is unknown because the patient did not return to the clinic.
Case 2: 42-year-old male, a native of El Santuario (Antioquia), a resident and from Santa Fe de Bogotá, dealer, married with a history of Diabetes Mellitus difficult to manage, who referred to "dizziness" constant. Start by eating marine therapy, 3 glasses of sea water per day in April 2002. In assessments of blood glucose and general physical condition made between April and December 2002 found euglycemic (normal blood glucose level), no significant physical exam and complete remission of symptoms referred.
Case 3: 12 year old, natural, coming and living in Santa Fe de Bogota, with a history of Type I diabetes is difficult to manage, treated with 3 daily doses of human insulin. She complained of polydipsia, and dizziness. Start by eating marine therapy, 3 glasses of sea water daily, in May 2002. In October of 2002 is without symptoms, with normal glycemia and insulin dosage was reduced to one-third of the usual dose.
Case 4: patient adult, female, diagnosed with carcinoma lower third of the esophagus, unresectable and not amenable to treatment with radiation or chemotherapy. Was sent to his home for end-stage disease with survival prognosis of up to 3 months according to the medical evaluation. He was treated by eating sea. 3 glasses of sea water a day in June 2002. In December 2002, the patient is asymptomatic and has not required gastrostomy or any other additional treatment or additional enteral or parenteral nutrition.
Case 5: 6 year old, natural, and from resident Girardot (Cundinamarca) diagnosed with Psoriasis. Started therapy with topical seawater injury in June 2002. In December of 2002 is no skin lesions.
Case 6: children with convulsive syndrome and paraplegia secondary to head trauma, with severe psychomotor retardation and severe physical retardation, with daily seizures and recurrent hospitalizations in number from 3 to 4 month for systemic infections and status epilepticus. He was treated Navy in May 2002 with intake of three glasses of sea water daily and weekly intramuscular injection of 10 cc. In the 6 months following the child has not presented convulsive episodes has not required hospitalization, strong language and monosyllabic type of toilet training, has also increased weight and height discreet.
Report clinical cases of clinic Marine City-Real (Spain)
Case 1: 36 year old woman following a slimming supported with homeopathy and acupuncture.
is hypertensive. The seawater intake isotonized using a method known in two parts of hypertonic sea water and five parts of fresh water spring, has not produced tension imbalance, tensions remain within normal limits, continuous antihypertensive medication but "not increased "to perplexity of his family doctor. Refer
increased diuresis.
Significant improvement of intestinal function.
Case 2: 47 year old woman who takes seawater feel better and observe its effects, in principle, they take their parents but decided to try to see "how she would fare" isotonic swallowed two glasses, one mid morning and mid afternoon, the last time we visited (27-6 -2001) concerns the following:
disappearance of their headaches. He suffered from a headache, not migraine front location and have disappeared completely, without following any other method.
intestinal regulation: not suffering from constipation but says do better since the baby.
Disappearance of heaviness in the legs have varicose very important but it produced significant weight on the legs: "tired legs", although regular physical exercise (walking briskly an hour for 4 days a week)
Disappearance of pain in the lower abdomen in relation to menstruation. The patient suffered from severe non-menstrual pain, this has improved completely.
Case 3: 73-year-old decides to take marine plasma to see if their legs become lighter because you have weight on them because varices evident in the territory of the saphenous vein, it takes two to three glasses a day of marine plasma and spent three months , heavy legs says he has gone and despite the summer is worse.
Case 4: "fibrocystic mastopathy, middle-aged woman who has cystic fibrosis in one breast, with the presence of several non-cancerous lumps, one of them the size of a pigeon's egg. In the presence of the first ultrasound packages are discovered, the second ultrasound appear smaller and the third shows the total disappearance of nine months after giving two glasses of marine plasma.
Case 5: "Plaquetoténias in study and treatment with seawater, middle-aged woman with too few platelets (About 40,000) We were going to corticosteroids, but after taking two glasses of plasma ocean for a few months her platelet count has risen to 113,000 to the surprise of his doctor.
Same case in a 14 years old, his platelet count was about 40 thousand doors to receive corticosteroids and the same treatment after two glasses of isotonic seawater in five months amounted to 90,000.
Case 6: two cases in women of 40 years say they have been suffering from hair loss in abundance during times ago, and brittle nails, after taking two glasses of sea water in the form of plasma ocean, Both say they are not fall out now and have hardened nails and not brittle.
Friday, April 29, 2011
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Moyuela, written with Jack
Aragón TV into your new website has launched a new section called "A la carte." It can be information services and various programs. But this time we can see the video that was made in the neighboring town of Moyuela within the program "is written with Jack." In about 37 minutes of recording can see and listen to friends talking about the Jack Moyuela and songs hold that in these natural habitats are interpreted about a half coconut shell full of good wine. Worth seeing. It was said that Moyuela, so many wineries as days in the year.
Moyuela View
Aragón TV into your new website has launched a new section called "A la carte." It can be information services and various programs. But this time we can see the video that was made in the neighboring town of Moyuela within the program "is written with Jack." In about 37 minutes of recording can see and listen to friends talking about the Jack Moyuela and songs hold that in these natural habitats are interpreted about a half coconut shell full of good wine. Worth seeing. It was said that Moyuela, so many wineries as days in the year.
Moyuela View
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Cyril Grace and Lorenzo Crespo, in the center. |
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On the left, Paco Bordonada, bassist of the former group Aragonese "The Kracs" in January 1969 broke the world record for playing 200 hours continuously. |
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Good Public Places To Hunt In Oakland County Mi
We again hear from Ventura Grace Parra, the Sacristan (called Gallur) . This time it's appeared on page 44 of the book entitled "The foot races of Aragon. Three centuries in Pictures" by Celedonio García Rodríguez and José Antonio Adell Castán. The editing has been done by the Unesco ANUE Aragon, Aragón entities directed by Fernando Lopez and Jesus Arroyo.
On page 17 of the same publication also mentions the neighboring town of Moyuela, with a photograph of the sculpture of Lorenzo Crespo Aznar, devoted to the corridors of the town and is located along the Santa Maria riverbed.
Date Date Getmount Java
A cement factory in Azuara
In Azuara has opened a cement factory, which reactivates something our area.
Start white cement production in Aragon with an investment of 46.5 million
M. LLORENTE. ZARAGOZA 28/04/2011 at 06:00
Azuara plant currently only gray cement manufacture. The white and furnaces will have to wait a few years.
A very pure white limestone. That is the starting point or the raw material White Cement Aragon (CBA) , yesterday inaugurated a plant with a Azuara initial investment of 46.5 million that the Portland cement manufacture only time since the target will be for a third phase (probably from 2016 to 2018) to require another line specific production costs 46.8 million, for what he hoped to revive demand and find funding. also be deferred until 2013-2015 implementing the second phase, the line of ovens, budgeted at 56.7 million, which will produce gray clinker here granulated product obtained by calcining limestone and clay at temperatures between 1,350 and 1,450 º C-no need to import it as far from Turkey.
abrupt halt crisis
"We are missing two thirds of the project to do," he acknowledged Mantecón Elijah, president of CBA , while Jaime Raventos, chairman of the board of directors of the cement , explained that "Logically, the crisis has slowed, if not been for the adverse economic situation, instead of opening a portion of the plant, would be premiering the entire plant, but when we started was in 2006 and did not think the building would fall . Now we have to think that restart. "
Currently, CBA has created 25 jobs direct, but have yet to incorporate two or three people, and about 20 indirect, according to its CEO, Elias Mantecón. The intention in the long run, when the second and third stages are performed, is to get to 135 direct jobs and 100 indirect. However, the domino effect that has created the launch of the cement in Azuara and the surrounding villages and is felt, according to Joaquín Gimeno Mayor Fuendetodos , explaining that restaurants, hostel and hotels in the city are taking CBA and work through the road being built to the plant also has several neighbors occupation.
"The driver of White Cement was the Aragon-Bercontres Hormipresa Catalan group that was dedicated as the issue of quarrying and micronized. They started with the idea and joined Jaime Raventós PRAINSA group and Mariano López Navarro (MLN) "said Jose Royo, CEO of the latter group mainly dedicated to Aragon construction. It was the combined efforts of these three partners with equity and a loan of 30 million, which has managed to implement CBA. A company that was established in 2005 and took a contest permit mining and resources research in the area requested by Dimar Azuara (firm that was acquired by CBA), to discover large reserves of high quality limestone, suitable for manufacturing gray and white cement. Following the discovery, "both companies Jaime Aragon Raventós the group and Hormipresa-Bercontres MLN, Catalonia, the three major consumers of cement, we decided we had to produce our own cement and thus was born the idea that has now materialized" , said Joseph Berger of the group Hormipresa.
Cement DO Aragon
After a visit to the plant Azuara, who left the silos and ran from the front of the quarry plant crushing and screening, through the receipt of clinker hoppers and conveyor belts to reach the mill, CBA executives led a word of thanks to customers, suppliers, mayors of the region, the Minister of Industry, Arturo Aliaga and Marcelino Iglesias, President of the Government of Aragon , who already visited the plant in 2007 to lay the foundation stone for the support provided to implement the cement.
also Azuara Mayor Joaquin I. Alconchel proud to attend the birth of CBA, praised the effort of "serious entrepreneurs, the key to get this project local, but regional interest" because, as stated Jose Royo, CEO of MLN, "we are going to make cement Designation of Origin itself as ham. "
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Hot Patricia Richardson
The traditional stone architecture in the rain
Plenas houses are built with materials from the environment. Were built primarily with stone, mud or adobe .
stone wall. |
adobe wall. |
mud wall. |
The term is composed of conglomerates and bedded limestones. Here come the stones used for construction.
Wall-dominated conglomerate stone. The giant stones are irregular, heavy, sit pretty bad. |
Grijó Stonewall, which are large bowls of hard limestone, used in the parish church. To improve seating have been trimming some faces and the outside. |
dry stone walls were built on the ground floor of all houses to prevent damage by humidity and the upper floors were usually of mud or adobe, but also raised stone.
stone wall at the bottom and mud at the top. |
stone wall at the bottom and mud at the top. |
stone wall at the bottom and mud at the top. |
stone wall at the bottom and mud at the top. |
traditional construction of these systems are many examples Full.
The stones of these walls may be no material that one (cement, plaster), which are called "dry stone." These dry stone walls we can find the natural or whitewashed stone, a common practice until recently
examples of dry stone walls to the natural , raw.
Example whitewashed dry stone wall
stone wall tiles interspersed with courses to improve their seat
dry stone walls, with the passage of time they were deteriorating and to reinforce the grouted stones. But this mainly gypsum grout, sometimes could be broader and semienfoscar the wall.
Different types of grouts that if they are very big about plastering the entire wall.
Several examples of people over the construction dominated traditional stone sets with personality and charm that we should care for and maintain.
How To Make Shaolin Monks Uniform
This Easter, 2011 has been quite rainy. Well for fields, regular visitors.
Threatening clouds near the cemetery. |
Clouds. |
Threatening clouds over the valley. |
fairway and Vergel. |
Calle Barrio Alto. |
Calle Barrio Alto. |
Lower Street Lower Town. |
Lower Street Lower Town. |
Chorro Street. |
Upper Street Flats. |
Upper Street Flats. |
Calle Alta del Barrio Bajo . |
Upper Street Flats. |
Chorro Street. |
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