Yesterday, May 18, 2011, I went to Plaza del Pilar de Zaragoza, where angry young men were encamped and tired. There I saw several pleneros, some heated discussion with young campers, others were looking at this curious pleneros and spontaneous youth protest. I also saw pleneros children, which made me happy.
Everything is fairly chaotic from the viewpoint of an ordinary citizen like me, but within that chaos can sense a certain underlying order.
At 8 begins a crowded assembly. A great run and numerous people, I estimate about 1,500, were there.
Young people were the protagonists. This is an eminently youthful protest that we have joined some citizens. We always say that young people are about drifters and when they happen, they want to participate and speak, I think we should listen. The truth is that it feels a wave of sympathy towards these kids by most citizens. The assembly
everyone departs to say what he wants, leaves a lot of people of all ages, professions, races. Some examples:
A lady of 66 years "I thought young people were dead but now I do not.
Another young woman: "I represent the group of prostitutes and they told me that I talk about how politicians are not his children .
Telepizza dealer A kid complaining that they pay three euros an hour!
Finish the assembly with a little story that tells a kid: was a country in which they lived mice, which had the right to vote every four years to their politicians, but their politicians were ... those cats. Cats could vote for whites, blacks, the striped, the Royos ..., but always cats and these cats were better policies to eat the mice and the mice were votándoles because that was the system established by its constitution. One day a mouse rebel and told them they had to do was not vote for them to cats. Cats, angry, stopped and arrested by anti-mouse .
Photo taken from
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