Saturday, May 21, 2011

David's Bridal Cornflower Blue Ribbon

Another Pleneros in the Plaza del Pilar, with angry young men

IGNACIO IND N, Friday, May 20, 2011

This paper gave us in the square Pillar
Camping Blog of Zaragoza:

Talk José Luis Sampedro Who is it?

Friday, May 20, 2011

How To Tighten Sew In

Wickets (or barn doors) of Plenas

gates there sat in the tiny, almost seem to windows on the back of the pens and gave access to the barns. Could be at ground level or at a street level.
Due to the steep terrain where the pens are built, the top floor of the same was used for hay and straw are carried through these doors. Several examples

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Little Bload Morning Throat

Jesus' encounter with Satan.

One day Satan and Jesus were talking.

Satan had just come to the Garden of Eden, and he was mocking and laughing saying

Yes Sir. I seize the world full of people down there. We lay a trap, I used bait I knew they could not resist.

fell all!

What will you do with them? Jesus asked.

Ah, I'm going to have fun with them. Satan replied.
teach them how to marry and divorce, how to hate and abuse each other, drinking and smoking and of course, teach them to invent guns and bombs to destroy each other. Really I'm going to have fun!

What will you do when you get tired of them? Jesus asked.

Ah, I'll kill. Satan said with eyes full of hatred and pride.

How much you want for them? Jesus asked.

Ah, you do not want those people. They are not good. Why would you want to take. You take them and they hate you.

spit in your face, curse you and kill you. You do not want those people!

How? Jesus asked again.

Satan looked at Jesus and said sarcastically:

All your blood, your tears, and your life.

Jesus said: DONE!

And so pay the price.


not it funny how easy it is to despise God and
then wonder why the world is going to hell

not it funny how someone can say 'I believe in God

' and follow Satan.

not it funny messages to send thousands of jokes through e-mail, which spread like wildfire, but when you start sending messages that relate to the Lord, people think twice about sharing?

not it funny that when it comes time to forward this message, going to stop sending thousands of people have registered in your address book because you are not sure (a) of what they will think of you.

not it funny how people can be more worried about what others think of them than what God thinks. Gold

everyone who re send this message to all recipients in the address book, they will be blessed by God in a special way. Send it

even the person who sent it.


Top 10 things God will not ask you '

1-God will not ask what you used car model;
I wonder how many people took it.

2-God will not ask the square footage of your house;

ask you how many people received on it.

3-God will not ask the brand of clothing in your closet;
will ask those who helped to dress.

4-God will not ask how high was your salary;
ask you if you were earning cleanly.

5-God will not ask what was your title;

ask you if you did your work with the best of your ability.

6-God will not ask how many friends you had;
ask you how many people you considered your friend.

7-God will not ask in what neighborhood you lived;
ask you you treat your neighbors.

8-God will not ask for the color of your skin;
will ask for the purity of your interior.

9-God will not ask why it took you so long to seek salvation;

lovingly take you home to heaven and not to the gates of hell.

10-God will not ask how many people shared this message, it simply asks you if you felt ashamed to do it .....

Jesus Christ said: 'If you deny me in front of your friends,
I'll deny you before my Father'

Anda ...
encourage you to share it with others .... report this message with the title 10 things God will not ask

Removing Bmx Detangler

I can not lift today ....

"Today I can not lift ...." This will be the 23rd of May when surf final campaign stops show a reality. That reality is the decision of the citizens who cast their vote for the party that gives you more confidence.
Meanwhile, the PSOE, from Plasencia dreams of winning and with that hope and courage to work for the campaign. To provide the public our city: City Model Social, Economic Progress, Sustainable, with future projects. Also in this city, we favor the great work (with irrefutable facts) that have been conducted over the past 8 years and that support our way to make and enter into commitments with citizenship. We speak the truth and the truth.
Lately, the feeling of being immersed in a tangle of "anything goes" and try to win elections at the cost of any price. This is a fallacy.
Socialists and our candidate and Mayor Elia M ª we detach ourselves from that way of doing politics. His will, commitment is the public aware that their participation, involvement, with agreements with clear and common goals can be achieved everything so each morning after waking up hope becomes a reality: work, work actively against all forms of abuse and to seek happiness.
time commitment is strong, bet with courage, not to resign, to listen and not talk so much of action in defense of the public. Ethics apply.
To the citizens: do not fall into avatars that we want to take the PP party. Even campaign period, only hear inconsistencies, falsehoods and platitudes and example: as a measure to combat youth unemployment: a response "an emergency plan ...", well ... not to say ... and if that is the information we revealed in campaign I would not trust.
We must start a revolution, or at least respond to such lies that we are suffering for a long time with this opposition Plasencia PP, this crisis of values \u200b\u200bthat we are living at this form of politics ....
Therefore I invite you to react, to not stay home on 22, go to vote because you decide, you can initiate change on the bet ....
With Elia you feel unsure, to William confidence.: PEOPLE WITH SPEECH and credibility by demonstrating

Pouch Of Douglasfluid

A Pleneros in the Plaza del Pilar, with angry young men

Yesterday, May 18, 2011, I went to Plaza del Pilar de Zaragoza, where angry young men were encamped and tired. There I saw several pleneros, some heated discussion with young campers, others were looking at this curious pleneros and spontaneous youth protest. I also saw pleneros children, which made me happy.
Everything is fairly chaotic from the viewpoint of an ordinary citizen like me, but within that chaos can sense a certain underlying order.
At 8 begins a crowded assembly. A great run and numerous people, I estimate about 1,500, were there.
Young people were the protagonists. This is an eminently youthful protest that we have joined some citizens. We always say that young people are about drifters and when they happen, they want to participate and speak, I think we should listen. The truth is that it feels a wave of sympathy towards these kids by most citizens. The assembly
everyone departs to say what he wants, leaves a lot of people of all ages, professions, races. Some examples:
A lady of 66 years "I thought young people were dead but now I do not.
Another young woman: "I represent the group of prostitutes and they told me that I talk about how politicians are not his children .
Telepizza dealer A kid complaining that they pay three euros an hour!
Finish the assembly with a little story that tells a kid: was a country in which they lived mice, which had the right to vote every four years to their politicians, but their politicians were ... those cats. Cats could vote for whites, blacks, the striped, the Royos ..., but always cats and these cats were better policies to eat the mice and the mice were votándoles because that was the system established by its constitution. One day a mouse rebel and told them they had to do was not vote for them to cats. Cats, angry, stopped and arrested by anti-mouse .

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Name Change Process In Mumbai

Letter to the Mayor of Osorno on various topics. Comment on Mega

We did a work prepared jointly by directors of this pre Neighborhood Board No. 20 Park Craft to be presented to Mr. Mayor of the Municipality of Osorno on current outstanding issues and varied: 1 .-
death of its chairman Don Catalan Omar Rodriguez and the expiration of dirijencia of this directive, the neighborhood group has proposed interim form a functional commission in charge of conducting the election process of the respective local board. 2 .-

our priority sector has needs beyond the borders of the neighborhood including population Pedro Aguirre Cerda. This issue is closely related to the concessionaire ESSAL where Sewer pipes do not pass the 200 mm and were installed in the sixties of last century when the population was constructed and described, later in 1967 included the connections on the front or side street west of Bolivia Artisan Park when our people began to deliver the sites associated Coovarsel first Ltda So much runoff from sewage Powerhead well but once people were annexed to the west and north west, the capacity of these tubes collapsed. Given this reality urges replace those products in at least 400 mm. including Pedro Aguirre Cerda people to Calle Real and that nothing would change Bolivia Calle tubes if the adjacent streets will clog the same. We presented continuous weekly claims to ESSAL are sucking the machines, but the next day again revalsar terminals with no solution and the foul odors that entails. As already stated Mayor We are aware that you as the authority responsible for everything that happens in your community will intervene with the ESSAL correspond and that these costs would have to solve the same concessionaire and you be the person who should officiate , or otherwise are required to enforce our demands real sector. Also in each concession agreement should be stipulated the maintenance of water networks and sewage would have to remain in perfect condition.

3 .- As you also are aware that unscrupulous people in a state of graft hebriedad by alcohol burned our Head Office on the corner of Bolivia and Panama and unfortunately for the former headquarters of the PA Pobl Cerda was attached to the deputy superintendent of police of Upper Rahue once leaving those neighbors without meeting space, when you took as a solution without any consultation and delivery of our website to that organization, and as we stood headless flying in the air, we have proposed hold a street field you challenge with Don René Salvador, a small part of the entire balance of subdivision that we usurp municipal entity in unclear situations; space as the needs of a Headquarters soon would be authorized to that effect.

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