Sunday, January 9, 2011

Kookubura Ice Sub Zero

Privatization of water companies. Osorno

sewage treatment plant wastewater, offices ... of what remains of public property.
proposes privatizing ESSBIO 45.28% of which still possess (Region Bio Bio), 35% of Aguas Andina (Metropolitan Region), 46% of ESSAL (Region of the Lakes and Rivers) and the 29% of ESVAL (Valparaiso Region).
2 .-- This expropriation was not consulted with the owners, who are each and all Chileans, this is not acceptable.

3 .-- Water companies are in fact a monopoly. It is a natural monopoly that is essential for human life.

4.-The presence of state ownership and management of water utilities is essential for efficient production and for the interest of all Chileans.

5.-The size of the Chilean state is the smallest in the world. At the same time, Chile is one of the countries with the highest inequality and inequity in the world.

6 .-- The President takes a centralist and authoritarian political decision based on the neoliberal ideological dogmatism that has no justification.

These procedures are those who decry the political function.

7.-The government expects to get $ 1,600 million from the sale total. Strangely has presented various excuses to explain the sale of state enterprises. So are first noted that resources for reconstruction. Then he said that it is to finance investments in CODELCO (need 15 billion dollars), ENAP, Railways (EFE), El Metro (new lines 3 and 6 have an estimated cost of 2,400 million dollars). He later said that it will be to assist SMEs to contribute to the financing of the safety and education ... It is clear that have been improvised justifications that reveal the background of this privatization.

8 presidential politics .-- This decision contrasts with what is happening in the world:

A. "The year 2010, 122 countries in the Organization of the United Nations approved the use of water is not only a necessity but an essential human right.

B. The president's decision comes as in different parts of the world, which had privatized water services, they had to return to public ownership. For example, in Atlanta, USA, Argentina, Manila, in Canada (Halifax), France (Neufchateau, Castres, Shatelleraut and Cherbourg). In Paris to return to municipal property rates immediately dropped from 4 to 2.9 euros per cubic meter. In Brazil in the state of Paraná. In Bolivia, in La Paz, Cochabamba (price of water had reached quadruple) and El Alto. In Ecuador, in Quito in 2007, the mayor said the suspension of water privatization is final. In Uruguay there was a great debate by the attempt to privatize the drinking water: it was settled with the performance required a plebiscite by the Citizens. Simultaneously with the penultimate presidential election in 2005 the people voted and decided to include a clause in the Constitution that prevents the privatization of drinking water.


The amount of destruction due to the earthquake and tsunami of the properties and utilities amounts to 10,600 million dollars.

aim is to obtain from the sale of these public companies $ 1,600 million.

1 .-- The Chileans have 12987.5 billion abroad primarily placed in the so-called Stabilization Fund Economic and Social FEES. That is eight times what we would get for the health.

2 .-- On the other hand by the rising price of copper enter from CODELCO to the treasury a huge amount of resources. In the first nine months of 2010 and are U.S. dollars 4.129 million.

3 .-- Also, the economy will grow. Will increase tax revenues.

THE SALE OF THE DISEASE IS a terrible deal for the Chileans.

The four water companies that want to sell President Piñera given annually to the Treasury a profit of 150 million dollars. So if not privatized in 11 years returns will be higher than that obtained from the sale total.

Water use by firms and hydroelectric health is free, will not be charged a royalty or royalty. In the business of health is guaranteed a return of 7 to 8%.

Economic Stabilization Fund and Social FEES, above, paid in 2009 only 2.44% annually.

utilities subsidize the health care provided for the payment of potable water services to 600,000 families across the country.

Chileans participation in these companies is a very good deal. There is no justification for sale. There are resources. It is as if to fix the roof of the house sell the house.



controls 80.4% of total national water use rights of non-consumptive use (water is returned to its course)


URBAN WATER COVERAGE. In the year 1988 was 98%. In 1998, 99.3%. In the year 2009 was 98.8%.

+ URBAN SANITATION COVERAGE 1988 was 80.8%. 1998 (year to dictate the law that allowed privatization) 91.6%. Year 2009 was 95.6%.

+ EVOLUTION OF PLANTS SEWAGE TREATMENT. Year 1989 was 8%. 2001 39.4%. 2009 was 83.3%. The Business Plan ESSBIO public when it was expected that everything would be done in 2003.

However, when water companies were public, the plans for the construction of treatment plants sewage scheduled to be completed in shorter periods to which they have been in private hands.

3 .-- The privatization of health has resulted in large fee. In 2007 the price of health services in Chile, was the most expensive in South America. ESSBIO profits in 2009 were the equivalent to 2,420 households of 10 million pesos each. In 2009 it was reported that over the past 5 years had rates climbed 57%. 4 .-

third and dismissal of workers for ESSBIO. 5 .--

poor service. Examples:

* In 2007, in Chile, there were 468,000 people who made claims of poor service.

in 2008 reported that ESSBIO ranks second to last in Chile considering WATER QUALITY.

* TAPS to extinguish fires. In Concepcion firefighters reported that there are no taps are not in numbers or with sufficient quality.

fire in a supermarket next to the headquarters ESSBIO taps did not work. In 2008 a fire that killed two firefighters in Concepcion, near incident had two taps one to one hundred meters and the other three hundred meters.

The year 2010 was burned all the 704 local de la Vega Monumental in conception. According to the fire commander, Marcelo Plaza, the faucets did not work properly. Tenants said they had no water. Even "guanacos" of police were present to fight the fire by launching its water jets.

* A mile in San Pedro suffered subsidence product shoddy construction of a wastewater collector ESSBIO.

* After the earthquake and tsunami there have been delays in providing water, sewage and water treatment plant served, the claims have come from central government, the Ministry of Environment, mayors and people.

For example, 34 days after the earthquake there were 16,000 people (out of approximately 25,000 inhabitants) in the city without clean water of Arauco.

that may be useful to stop the privatization:

1 .-- Lawyers for Equality Institute consider that: the President can not decide Piñera sale without considering the decision of parliament. 2 .--

can request a Statement of the Constitutional Court.

3 .-- Examine a possible impeachment. 4 .-- Carry

this to the courts of law.

5 .-- To examine the possibility of recourse to international bodies. Attentive

and we cordially invite you to:

* Integrate the Committee in Defense of Water and invite others to protest the sale without consultation with the owners. Join

* Committees at the district and commune for your home or workplace. If you request our Movement can contribute to its constitution and submit the necessary information.

* Write to the media expressing opposition to this privatization.

* Also, the President Sebastián Piñera: or directly to the Palacio de la Moneda.

* A senators on this website are all the addresses and phone numbers or Senate Valparaiso.

* A Members or the House of Representatives Valparaiso

* A and the Mayor and the Governors.

attentive and friendly, Dr. Edgardo

Condeza Vaccaro




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