Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Paint Colour With Travertine

"Tenebrae eum non comprehenderunt"

For a soul reaches the state of perfection, ordinarily must first pass through two main ways of nights, call the spiritual purgation or purification of the soul, and here we call nights, for the soul, and in one as in the other, and night walks in the dark .
The first night or purgation is of the sensitive part of the soul. And the second is from the spiritual.
The reason why it is necessary for the soul to attain to Divine union with God, pass this dark night of mortification of the appetites and the denial of taste in all things, is because all the conditions you have in front creatures are God's pure darkness, of which the soul being dressed, has no capacity to be enlightened and possessed of pure and simple light of God, unless he first discards self because they can not agree on the light and darkness, because, as St. John (1, 5): "Tenebrae eum non comprehenderunt" , ie: The darkness could not receive light.


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