Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Example - Commercial Lease Offer Letter

muscles of man (Psalm 146)

Psalm 146 (Morning Prayer is prayed in the Fourth Thursday of week)
Praise the Lord that the music is good;
God deserves our praise harmony.
The Lord rebuilds Jerusalem, gathers the exiles of Israel;
He heals the brokenhearted, binds up their wounds.

Count the number of stars, each one calls her by name.
Our Lord is great and powerful, his wisdom is beyond measure.
The Lord sustains the humble, humble to the dust of the wicked.

Thanksgiving Sing to the Lord, blow the harp for our God
covering the sky with clouds, rain preparing to land;
makes grass grow on the mountains, for those who serve the man who gives his food
livestock, and the young ravens which cry.
not appreciate the vigor of the horses, does not consider muscle man
the Lord cherishes its faithful, who trust in his mercy.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

How To Retighten Sew In

The only appetite agree that God exists in our hearts

God agrees not otherwise get in a dwelling. Where it reads in the first book of Kings (5, 2-4) that putting the Philistines the Ark of the Covenant in the temple where his idol, the idol every day dawning thrown on the floor and shattered. And only he agrees appetite and wants to see where he is, which is to keep the law of God perfectly and to carry the cross of Christ upon them. And so, it is said in the divine Scripture (Deut. 31, 26) that God sends to the ark where the manna was something else, but the book of the law and the rod of Moses, which means the Cross. For the soul that nothing else he intends to keep God's law perfectly and carrying the cross of Christ will be real ark, taking with it the true manna, that is God, when he comes to take itself this law and this rod perfectly with nothing at all (cf. No. 17, Heb. 9, 4).

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

How To Store Homemade Jam

What is about the hunger that put all the creatures to fill that causes the spirit of God? ...

All the beauty of the creatures, compared with the infinite beauty of God is very ugly, as Solomon in Proverbs (31, 30) says: "Fallax gratia, et pulchritudo est vain "is deceitful and beauty is fleeting beauty. And so the soul who is fond of
beauty of any creature before God is very ugly, and therefore can not transform this ugly soul in the beauty that is God, because not enough ugliness to beauty.
All the grace and elegance of the creatures, compared with the grace of God, and unfortunately very high despondency; and, therefore, the soul that garment of grace and elegance of the creatures, is very unfortunate and tasteless before the eyes of God, and thus may not be capable of infinite grace and beauty, because it is far greatly unhappy what is infinitely gracious.
And all the goodness of the world's creatures, compared with the infinite goodness of God can be called evil. For nothing is good but God (Luke 18, 19), and therefore soul who puts his heart into the world's goods, is supremely evil God. And as evil can not comprehend the goodness, and this this soul can not unite with God, which is great kindness .
And all the pleasures and flavors of the will in all things in the world, compared with all the delights that is God, are extremely grief, torment and bitterness. And who put their heart in them is taken before God worthy of great sorrow, torment and bitterness. And can not come to embrace the joys of union with God, being worthy of sorrow and bitterness.
All the riches and glory of all creation, compared with the wealth that is God is great poverty and misery. And so the soul that loves him and has extremely poor and miserable before God, and therefore will not reach the wealth and glory, which is the state of transformation in God (because the extremely miserable and poor is far from what it is extremely rich and glorious).
( And in "Notices spiritual" we read: More indecency and impurity leads the soul to go to God if it carries with it the less appetite for anything in the world, if full of ugly and annoying all temptations and darkness can say ... )
appetites weary and fatigue the soul, they are like a restless and poor suckers happy, who are always asking their mother either, and never satisfied.
appetite is like a fire that made wood, grows and then consuming it, necessarily must fail. And yet the appetite is poor condition in this part because the fire, finishing wood, descreces, descreces no more appetite in that which is increased when it became for work ...
Because this is the property of having appetites, always unhappy and tasteless as the hungry. For what is about the hunger that put all the creatures with the glut that causes the spirit of God? ...

Paint Colour With Travertine

"Tenebrae eum non comprehenderunt"

For a soul reaches the state of perfection, ordinarily must first pass through two main ways of nights, call the spiritual purgation or purification of the soul, and here we call nights, for the soul, and in one as in the other, and night walks in the dark .
The first night or purgation is of the sensitive part of the soul. And the second is from the spiritual.
The reason why it is necessary for the soul to attain to Divine union with God, pass this dark night of mortification of the appetites and the denial of taste in all things, is because all the conditions you have in front creatures are God's pure darkness, of which the soul being dressed, has no capacity to be enlightened and possessed of pure and simple light of God, unless he first discards self because they can not agree on the light and darkness, because, as St. John (1, 5): "Tenebrae eum non comprehenderunt" , ie: The darkness could not receive light.