Monday, May 24, 2010

How To Congratulate Someone That Just Had A Baby


Dear fellow socialists, generously
If you respond positively to all the Party organizations or plans, even more so now, we feel your presence is essential in all Acts since, despite being very difficult times Unit is where the party must find its greatest strength. Currently
the socialists (as usual ....) We are required to make a double, triple .... effort to show that thanks to our bold and courageous policies continue working for the city from the responsibility, commitment and sensitivity to all of us in one way or another we have to live closely with the current situation and what about pay cuts for employees and public officials. In my opinion we are on the right track and take serious action is what we're in this phase. We have plenty of reasons to go out and talk to our fellow citizens to convince. Let us value the achievements, but careful what we must do when sowing mistrust!, We can not be blinded by these messages, but keep us alive and more alert than usual. Our task is to sow with credibility and serenity employment and economic growth.
When making decisions of this magnitude is not thinking about elections it is acting responsibly to today and tomorrow, and most measures are taken by and for citizens, the big hit, while working for the maintenance and sustainability of our social, economic and the creation of a job. Since pregnant women, children, youth, adults, seniors, pensioners, immigrants, national ...., People from all perspectives and conditions, all of which concern us but we must act decisively to strengthen the country and now we require sacrifices solidarity and generosity to the most disadvantaged and so we should behave. We have an obligation to encourage that little can or can not bear the burden alone, these values \u200b\u200balso underpin the social foundations.
If to save our well-being of our children and citizens, we socialists have to work twice even with wage cuts and work much harder, we will do together in pursuit of a clear morning to live together and in an orderly and progressive construction projects
Among all get combat the difficulties, because we believe it and are convinced that our actions are the most beneficial to the city to emerge stronger from this global crisis, which affects us almost all people fairly and we each provide what we required.
is time to analyze but also is the time to move forward constructively. Let us try to work on these two elements and with courage.
There are reasons and for the hope and opportunity, in that we direct our energies. All join.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

A High Hard Cirvex Means What

join International Museum Day 2010

Today May 18, 2010 is the International day of museums, why are admitted free throughout the day today.

If you have not desaprovecheis opportunity and visit one.


Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Aoe2 Aok Multiplayer No Cd

Tonight from 21:00 pm in the pavilion of the sports you play the fourth game of the play-offs for promotion.

Admission is free and I urge the public to attend and cheer the team.

Plasencia Extremadura IRUÑA GROUP NAVARRA

Plasencia City Hall Time: 21.00 hours

Garmendia Zorita and Glez. Cuervo
Manager: Rafa Gomariz

Soria Almazán 10 5 9
Cardito Warren
Barceló Martín Calvo 7

15 Adrian Garcia 11

Coach: José María Urabayen
Template: Rome

Baquer Bas 6 8 10
Juan Raúl López Txomin
Narros 12 14
4 5

Txema Gonzalez
11 Parmer

Añaterve Cruz
Iñaki Sanz

How To Unlock Suitcases

Plasencia All the Mother's Day

May 2 Mother's Day:
Congratulations to all and a very special memory of my mother.
Some characters from another party, ie the PP, who championed the issue believe the family and maintain that because they were holding an essential pillar of the social structure, the Family. How wrong they are, the socialists like any other person regardless of their ideological identity come from parents with names and so are family advocates as each other. Nobody can tell me that the person who has given birth to me, ie my mother means to me the most important of my life, like my daughters. She and my father I owe it all, they who gave me life and I thank them. My personality, education, .. my ideals, my complex, my anger, my fears or my assurances, my view of life, my values \u200b\u200bare imbued with the essence ....; They and this Mother's Day is dedicated her, who taught me the important thing is to, assess, recognize and love and this is paramount. This life full of social engagements, so full of vanity and not always pleasant work, having the support and not blame a mother is so vital and so healthy that I am proud to say I LOVE YOU MOTHER.
Socialists great defenders of the values we are very proud of our families and continue to maintain that union umbilical our Mothers, women tantrums and fighters in defense of our freedoms. Many kisses and VIVA
OUR MOTHERS. Any day, any time is important to share with them

Regards, Puerto

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Nike Style # 56323 Ca# 05553

17 former drug addicts entering to work through the day center

The appeal two years ago launched Board and City Council is open in Santa Barbara

are eight now receiving care in day center labor and social inclusion for people with addictive behaviors. In fact, for people who had and currently have left the agency. There are eight now, but since its opening have Last 17 former drug addicts by that center-based Caritas facilities in Santa Barbara.
Most users are male and most of them aged between 30 and 60 years. Equal parts of alcohol are former addicts and former addicts mixture of heroin and cocaine. Is the profile that makes Carol Monroy Paccini, BA in Psychology and a Diploma in Occupational Therapy is the technician who is in charge of the day center. It is from that Board and City Council launched the service two years ago ... ... ... ...

This news, I consider of vital importance. Not only as a Socialist government achievement Placentino, but by the political and social effects caused by these actions in the city and show that both the human and social sensitivity in Piacenza still maintain our leaders face a tangible reality of everyday life.
also want to congratulate the Ministry of Health and Unit be approved in the last Council of Government meeting yesterday, "subsidies for hiring or promoting self-employment of those with addictive behavior problems who are in treatment programs and with favorable outcome. "
The continuing concern for the problems of society and people with addictive behavior is a social action else that leads to think that the Socialists would not look the other way but faced with daily issues and responsibilities affecting a sector of society that's not curbed in time, these people are discriminated against or become delinquent.
The fact in itself goes beyond these simple words. For much information, dedication of parents, teachers or government .... The fact is that is: many young people during the weekend or throughout the week, put their lives at risk by consuming alcohol different circumstances, substance abuse, etc ... and I wonder what can we do to avoid these risks? but this question does not seem well formulated. If we know the consequences of these behaviors, how is that providing as much information young people and society in general to continue using drugs or alcohol excessively?, Especially parents, are we coherent with what we demand from our children and they see, live or perceived within the family?, Do you take time to our children ... parents are able to move and put ourselves in their place, not to be parents and adults?.
If we are to tackle this problem, we are able to analyze in any depth. From the Administration, Municipal Councils, Education, Health ..., it should foster new comprehensive measures for tackling efficiently of this problem and integrate these activities for people willing to work from the root of the problem, it is essential to the critical eyes of committed and skilled people for expeditious and effective interventions in terms of detection, care, rehabilitation, prevention of addictive behavior and promoting healthy behaviors. And let us from the difference between what has been done responsibly but generally effective results and the commitment that the Socialists have with our youth, inheritors of a brand new company that provides solidarity, health and education as fundamental pillars for the transformation social.
Regards, Puerto