Monday, May 18, 2009

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San Pascual Bailon, Patron of Eucharistic Congresses and Adoration. Fiesta: May 17 Paternoster

BailónReligioso San Pascual (year 1592)

Text taken from the website of Catholic channel EWTN of Mother Angelica: Saints / Pascual_Bail% C3% B3n5_17.htm

Brief prayer Dear San Pascual: obtain for the good Lord an immense love for the Holy Eucharist, a great fervor in our frequent visits to the Blessed and highly esteemed by the Holy Mass "
San Juan Bosco said : " spread devotion veréislo the Blessed Sacrament and miracles are "(SJ Bosco).

Brief Biography of San Pascual Bailon:
They named Pascual, having been born on Easter (year 1540). Born Torre Hermosa, Aragon, Spain.
is the patron of Eucharistic Congresses and Adoration. From age 7 to 24, for 17 years was a shepherd. Following is a religious brother for 28, a Franciscan.
His most great love for life was the Holy Eucharist. He said the owner of the farm where he worked as pastor, that the best gift you could offer Pascual was to enable children to attend a weekday Mass to. From the fields where they tended the sheep of his master could see the tower of the village and occasionally knelt to adore the Blessed Sacrament, from these distances. In those days it was customary for the host to raise the priest at Mass, was given a hint of bells. When the shepherd heard the bell Pascual, knelt there in the field, facing the temple and worship Jesus Christ present in the Holy Hostia.Un day other shepherds heard him shout: "Here he comes!, There is!". He fell to his knees. Then he said he had seen Jesus in the Holy Host.
a child being a pastor, and made his mortification. Eg. that of walking barefoot on roads full of rocks and thorns. And when some of the sheep went to the neighbor's pasture was paid to the other, with the little money that was paid in salary, the grass that the sheep had eaten.
At age 24 he asked to be admitted as a religious brother among the Franciscans. At first he refused acceptance by the poorly educated, they had barely learned to read. And the only book I read was the prayer book, which he always carried while tending his sheep and there especially loved to read prayers to Jesus and the Blessed Sacrament. Virgin. As a Franciscan religious
their offices were always the most humble, porter, cook, errand boy, sweeper. But his specialty was always a great love for Jesus in the Holy Host in the Eucharist. During the day, any time that you used to have free to stand on the chapel, kneeling with arms outstretched adoring the Blessed Sacrament. In the evening he spent hours and hours before the Blessed Sacrament. When others went to bed, he was praying before the altar. And in the morning, several hours before other religious got to the chapel to pray, and Pascual's brother was there to worship our Lord.
help every day as many Masses as he could and tried to show how many ways he was may his great love for Jesus and Mary. One day a humble religious leaned out the window and saw Pascual dancing before a picture of the Blessed. Virgin and saying: "Madam, I can not offer great qualities, because I have them, but I offer my peasant dance in your honor." A few minutes later he found that religious holy and what was so full of joy on his face like never before seen him like that. When parents heard this, some laughed, others were very serious, but nobody said anything.
Pascual wrote several very beautiful prayers to the Blessed Sacrament and St. Louis Archbishop wise to read said Rivera admired: "These simple souls yes who make the best positions in the sky. Our human wisdom is worth little when compared with divine wisdom that God gives to the humble. "
His superiors sent him to France to take a message. I had to cross roads full of Protestants. One day a heretic asked:" Where is God? ". And he said," God is in heaven "and the other went. But then the holy friar began to think:" Oh, I missed the chance to have died a martyr for our Lord! If I had said that God is the Holy Host in the Eucharist and would have killed me a martyr. But I was not worthy of the honor. "Arriving in France, barefoot, with an old, patched robe, he was surrounded by a group of Protestant and challenged him to prove to them that Jesus did is in the Eucharist. And Pascual who had done studies and barely could read and write, spoke so well in the presence of Jesus in the Eucharist, that others were unable to answer. All they did was stoned. And he felt so says S. Bible that the apostles felt when they were beaten by friends of Jesus declared: "A great joy to have the honor to suffer for proclaiming a faithful follower of Jesus."
The first thing was to reach some people were directed to the temple and stayed there for a good time on their knees adoring the Blessed Sacrament.
spoke little, but when it came to the Holy Eucharist, then it was inspired by the Holy Spirit and spoke very beautifully. Had received the special gift of God: that of an immense love for Blessed Sacrament.
He was always cheerful, but never felt so happy as when she helped to Mass or when they could rest a while praying before the tabernacle of the altar.
Pascual was born in the feast of Pentecost, 1540 and died on the feast of Pentecost 1592, May 17 (Church holds three Easter: Easter, Christmas, Easter and Whitsuntide. Easter means transition from slavery to freedom). And it seems that the gift of Pentecost the Holy Spirit gave him was his immense and constant love for Jesus in the Eucharist.
When he was dying on that day of Pentecost, heard a bell and asked: "What is it?". "You who are on the rise in the Holy Mass". "Oh what a beautiful moment!", And was dead peacefully.
Then during her funeral, the casket were found, and when the elevation of the Sacred Host in the Mass, the present saw with admiration that opened and closed his eyes twice. Until his body wanted to worship Christ in the Eucharist. Those who wanted see were so many that her body had it exposed to public veneration for three days.
For 200 years many people, as they approached the tomb of San Pascual heard a mysterious tapping. Nobody could explain why, but all were convinced that they were signs that this simple man was a great saint. And the miracles after his death, were so numerous that the Pope declared him a saint in 1690.
The pope named San Pascual Baylon Patron of Eucharistic Congresses and Adoration.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

How Easy Is It To Contract Herpes